The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The threatened rain did not come so went out for a walk and saw 5 or 6 swallows feeding above a marshy field near me. I thought they had all gone by now but mebbe a second brood. There is a nearby farm which has outbuildings for nesting. All the other outbuildings nearby on any property have been converted to holiday lets so the nest sites have gone. This seem to be a pattern everywhere now.


Legendary Member
A breezy but sunny 8k this morning, along the Prom and around a very large "Waste Water Treatment Plant" (or "sh*tworks) as we used to call them.
Having been involved in various aspects of pump / Electrical plant maintenance during my working life I've visited a few sites and had some "interesting" experiences 😯
Before I applied for my Blacksmithing apprenticeship, I applied at Droxford water treatmant plant as a apprentice fitter, there were only two of us and I'll never forget the other guys name, well it only come round once a year.....yes Christmas, and I got the job, but turned them down....I think I made the right choice. xx(


Legendary Member

We went to the Dome. Lovely surroundings great staff, friendly and attentive without being "over the top"
Mrs Tenkay and I both really enjoyed it, I'm usually a coffee drinker but there were so many tea varieties on offer that I tried a fresh ginger and lemon infusion.

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Wow that does look good, just the sort of place Lady GM would choose to go! :hungry: :smile:


Started young, and still going.
Good afternoon everybody.
A strange thing happened to me today, I say to me, but alongside me whilst riding.
I turned off of the main road into the top of my road and a few yards further down a car attempted to overtake me. There were parked cars either side so the car was on the wrong side of the road.
The driver then turned right into a side road but cut the corner, again on the wrong side of the road as a car exited the road and the two met head on right by the side of me.
It was only a low speed crunch but it sounded good.
I kept on cycling down the road but chuckled to myself.
I have been very close several times to RTC's without actually getting involved. 😳


Leg End Member
Morning all, bright but very windy here.

Still intrigued by the snarling and brutal Man Proposes, God Disposes painting I posted about in the early hours. Painted by Landseer, so different from his genteel shortbread tin Monarch of the Glen. Depicts the disappearance without trace of the 129 men and two vessels of the Franklin expedition in their bid to find the North West Passage.

And to think that Burns said the same thing about man and nature so much more gently in To A Mouse :smile:
They've located both vessels/ships. Now it's Franklins grave they want to find.


Casper WY USA
Is the Burns thing "The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft Bagley? Today Mrs 12 will insist on going to the Shriners where there will be a Wing Ding. This will be an all you can eat ( always popular here in the land of Big People, and that aint height big) affair with various restaurants competing for best chicken wings. Also a bunch of desserts, which are not what I need to control blood sugar. Somehow I will suffer through this heinous torture. I read a mystery about an FBI agent born on the Pine Ridge Reservation in S Dakota and sent back there for some transgression who after seeing his nude self in the motel mirror described himself as a beer keg with toothpick arms and legs and a small spigot at the bottom...A very small spigot. I think I've come to resemble that but instead of a keg it's more like a skinny gas cylinder which in my case is probably more apropos. It's nice to have the typing problem resolved.


If 6 Was 9
It's nice to have the typing problem resolved.
The typing problem hasn't been resolved.
At least not on my devices.
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