The Retirement Thread

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Good morning fellow retirees,

Another cycle ride this morning, just a short one though as the fatigue levels are a bit high today.
Last night's dinner was pizza chips and mushy peas courtesy of the excellent St Andrews Chippie in Portobello. This was washed down with a glass of "Sweet Temptation" chocolate milk stout by Vocation Brewery, really delicious, creamy and warming.
Have a lovely peaceful day folks 🚴‍♀️🏃‍♂️🚶‍♀️🏊‍♂️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Deleted member 1258

Guys, I feel we have been infiltrated by a spy of some kind, this morning Pam asked alexa what she was doing and the answer came back " having a bimble around the clouds" Now I do not know about you lot but I only know of one person who bimbles.



Legendary Member
Utilities have just been out to take samples for testing. Bear in mind they told me they have to do the flush before hand. I told her..... we don't think they have done the flush as we didn't hear them. So, she phoned in and oops!!! they have rescheduled it for the 14th and not told anyone else. As I said, the words "p*ssup and brewery" come to mind.


Legendary Member
Guys, I feel we have been infiltrated by a spy of some kind, this morning Pam asked alexa what she was doing and the answer came back " having a bimble around the clouds" Now I do not know about you lot but I only know of one person who bimbles.
Well Mo likes to Bimble, as does Welshie. And I recall a male member borrowing the phrase.
I do wonder if there could be some truth re listening to us via Alexa etc.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Utilities have just been out to take samples for testing. Bear in mind they told me they have to do the flush before hand. I told her..... we don't think they have done the flush as we didn't hear them. So, she phoned in and oops!!! they have rescheduled it for the 14th and not told anyone else. As I said, the words "p*ssup and brewery" come to mind.

This saga seems to be going from bad to worse


Leg End Member
Utilities have just been out to take samples for testing. Bear in mind they told me they have to do the flush before hand. I told her..... we don't think they have done the flush as we didn't hear them. So, she phoned in and oops!!! they have rescheduled it for the 14th and not told anyone else. As I said, the words "p*ssup and brewery" come to mind.
I fear that "other samples" may well be required by them. Remember the Boy Scout Motto...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Well Mo likes to Bimble, as does Welshie. And I recall a male member borrowing the phrase.
I do wonder if there could be some truth re listening to us via Alexa etc.
I used the word bimble but don't blame me as I have no listening devices unless this laptop as it has been used during Zoom meetings which may well be listened to by agents of state since these are political meetings.


Legendary Member
This saga seems to be going from bad to worse
The saga continues.
Just had a visit from another engineer who brought a load more water and told me they will be flushing the main supply pipe tonight.
I told him.....I dont think so, your office say its rescheduled for the 14th.
He, I am not accepting that. I will get it brought forward to tonight and phone you to confirm.
We shall see :rolleyes:


Legendary Member


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Tried a slightly later time for my morning bimble on the trike as while a bit windy it was at least dry. Like Mo my fingers felt the cold even using my mid season gloves. Main difference in traffic was people rushing for a 9 o'clock start instead of 8 o'clock. Touroid beginning to emerge as I made my way back home tho'.
Not likely to be out for a while now as flood warnings out for Saturday and Sunday, car for service on Monday and hospital appointment on Tuesday.
Getting on a ferry is a problem and I have been given a 1400 hrs appointment which is the most inconvenient possible for travel. I may, just may , be able to get on the 0915 off and 1530 back if enough people fail to turn up. In normal times without the floods of tourists I would not expect problems like this. Failing that 80 miles extra by Lochaline probably flat out as the hospital will not change the time but will only cancel. My bolthole near Oban may be isolating so a sleeping bag goes with me in case I have to sleep in the car.
Not being a tourist nobody wants to know as they must always get priority. Sod those who actually live here.
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Now that looks very nice.
Maybe a bit sweet with the honey and apricots but the spices may counter that.
Be sure to let us know how it goes as I was just looking at our left over mushrooms, wondering what to do with them.
Will do......I was looking at left over mushrooms as well. I'm reckoning the honey will take away the slightly tinny taste from the tomatoes but I'll be adding a bit at a time to avoid over sweetening.

Moroccan food is delicious but can be a touch on the sweet side.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
The saga continues.
Just had a visit from another engineer who brought a load more water and told me they will be flushing the main supply pipe tonight.
I told him.....I dont think so, your office say its rescheduled for the 14th.
He, I am not accepting that. I will get it brought forward to tonight and phone you to confirm.
We shall see :rolleyes:

Can't wait to hear how that turns out
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