The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
MrsD wants to go to see the Neolithic stone circles at Stanton Drew tomorrow.
Apparently they are the 3rd largest in England, After Stone Henge and Avebury, but nowhere near as well visited.
Should be interesting.


Good Morning. Outside looks grey and still but dry. A bit on the dark side as well.

Last night Mrs P asked what I had planned for today. Nothing was my reply. She looked at me. It was an unusual reply, normally something is in my mind.

I think today will be ironing, bit of time on the allotment, collect meds and an ALDI run. We have mushrooms which need eating so today's challenge is to come up with something other than the fallback of mushroom risotto or stroganoff - both good but too easy. Paul is determined to be imaginative on this one!!!

One of my regular group announced last night he will be riding solo. The local authority border between Bolton and Chorley is very close here. The club has many members who technically live in Bolton. The guy I regularly ride with is going solo again though his local area has very low infection levels.

As a club we had begun to think of restarting weekend rides but I feel yesterday's announcement means there is little point.

I feel a little unsure about today. A snooze is called for followed by a reappraisal of the situation. 😀

Deleted member 1258

:hello:Good morning people, we have a trip to a local garden centre this morning taking my brother in law and his wife with us, then down the club for the afternoon, possibly our last for a while.


Legendary Member
gday cobbers.
Quite gray here but no rain.
First 2 jobs done
1. Tidy up and wash stuff that shouldn't go in the machine.
2. Change a light bulb ^_^
A mixed day for me. U Utilities are due this morning to test our drinking water after they flushed the main pipes overnight.
Slight problem......they didn't turn up to flush them :wacko:.
So, at 0800 I have to phone up and go through all the press 1 for x , press 2 for y.
MrsD is out with the auntie.
Oh yes, I am putting a veg casserole in the slow cooker.
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