The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Doctors at 11.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Good morning. What a night this has been. At about 1.30 am, I got woken up by a horrible crashing noise coming from downstairs. First, I thought somebody had broken in by breaking a double glazed window in the bedroom downstairs. So I got up to investigate, armed only with my feet and fists and dressing gown. Molly was following behind but I think she was scared. Anyway, I got to the bathroom door and saw glass all over the floor. The shower cubicle sliding door had somehow come off its runner and crashed on the floor in a million safety glass pieces.
I left it there and went back to bed. My wife had her mobile phone in her hand, ready to call the police until I told her what happened.
So, when I got up earlier, my first job was to sweep up all those pieces. Next is a phone call to my insurance and hope it will covered under my policy, under accidental damage.
Luckily, we have an en suite upstairs so we can use that shower until further notice.
Have a good day everyone.
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Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Morning all Looks like today’s ride is off Weather forecast for today is for 100%rain.I am giving up on BBC forecast The forecast for to day was for light cloud and gentle breeze.

Just been out side and is start to rain Giving up on BBC forecasts

Same here, forecast says cloudy with a little sun, reality, steady rain. They (BBC) should be on payment by results ;)


Leg End Member
I am not surprised you have weird dreams if you have a cog in your bottom :wacko:
She had a clockwork orange at one time!
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