The Retirement Thread

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By chance I stumbled across another aspect of this.

Hit the little cog on the bottom right of the text editor bar and the text box turns orange as usual. The problem with the return key causing the keyboard to disappear goes away.

Hit the cog again so the text box becomes white and the issue returns.

Text Editor keyboard problem.

I saw one or two in here had this issue. I posted this a couple of days ago in the Text Editor thread.

Irritatingly if you want the forum emojis rather than keyboard ones you have to switch back and forth.
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Well good morning. It is raining. We are going walking. ☹️👎

For our first night away from the village since mid-February we are heading to Keswick for a couple of days walking with friends. We have a B&B booked. There's a great pub called the Dog and Gun which has an excellent range of beers and is famous for it's Stroganoff. I've tried to book a table but no answer to phone calls.

On two recent occasions we've visited Keswick there has been sudden, unexpected flooding. It's raining. Be afraid Keswick, be very afraid.


When I rode up it, that one was harder than I expected. Nearby Birdy Brow was easier. I always find Black Hill from Sabden tough too.
This is only the second time I've heard mention of the name Black Hill. Leaving Sabden one can go over The Nick or in the opposite direction towards Padiham. Just outside of Sabden, in the Padiham direction, there's a left turn, Back Lane?, which leads to another left, Haddings Lane. Is this Black Hill?

Only ask because in decades of riding the area with maybe 200 different people I've only heard two refer to Black Hill. Both come from outside the area.
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Legendary Member
The midges here are not quite as vicious as yours, but they can still be pretty nasty!

I went out on my bike one still summer evening a few years ago and punctured on the steep, hairpin descent at Blake Dean, up on the hills above Hebden Bridge. Here...

View attachment 545865

Graining Water runs under that bridge from the left and joins Hebden Water on the right. I got off and was starting to fix my puncture when a car came down the hill and stopped by me. The couple in it asked if I were okay? They offered me a lift back to Hebden Bridge with my bike, but I told them that I was fine, only a puncture, I'd soon fix it. Thanks a lot for offering though! Off they went...

Now, here is a simple equation: Summer evening + still conditions + water = MIDGE ATTACK!!!! :eek: The little sods found me 10 seconds after the car left. I was bitten over 40 times before I could scoop up my spare tube, tyre levers, bike pump etc. and dash up the road to relative safety. I finished the repair and headed for home. By the time I got back both of my legs had come up in big red spots.
Have to be honest.........on the few holidays we have had up your way.....we have planned them around midge season. Myself, I am not badly affected like some but I still hate them.


Legendary Member
Morning. We've had a fair bit of rain the last few hours. Think it's nearly off now but not looking that great. Quite breezy too.

No cycling to watch this afternoon as it's a rest day.
Dont you think that is selfish of them, having rest days.
I mean to say, we dont have rest days do we?


Legendary Member
Morning all.
Been up since 0630 but chilling with a nice coffee.
Rain here and forecast for the day. Another enforced chill day me thinks.
I am part way through a good book and we have some decent progs recorded**
**does anyone watch those "holiday homes in the sun" progs ?? We enjoy them as you get to see various parts of Spain and Greece budgets are realistic. I can't watch those "homes in the country" where the budget is like a £M.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
:hello:Good Morning. Your tip about the cog at the bottom works. Hoorah for that.

A cold Autumnal feel to the day here.

I keep having weird dreams that flit from one thing to another when I do drop off. When I do wake in the mornng I feel more tired than when I went to bed.:wacko:

Stay safe peeps.


Legendary Member
:hello:Good Morning. Your tip about the cog at the bottom works. Hoorah for that.

A cold Autumnal feel to the day here.

I keep having weird dreams that flit from one thing to another when I do drop off. When I do wake in the mornng I feel more tired than when I went to bed.:wacko:

Stay safe peeps.
I am not surprised you have weird dreams if you have a cog in your bottom :wacko:
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