The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Up early again to try for a quiet run out. Apart from 4 cars heading in for an 8 o'clock start no other traffic at 0730. The road resurfacing has been done but not as much as I expected. As usual they leave a massive drop off at the edges, up to nearly 12 inches in parts but mostly about 6 inches. Wonderful smooth surface tho'. No wind and misty round the edges so midges were terrible on starting off. I always carry a head net in my bag in case I have to stop for any length of time.
By nearly 0900 however traffic was getting too busy for comfort, all heading out to get a space on the Calgary beach probably since a sunny day is in prospect.
The campsite seems to have changed as the motorhome bit was packed tighter than I would like anyway but hardly any tents on the grass bit unlike last week when it was packed with tents.
Talking of motorhomes I notice one has appeared and parked along the street from my house and a local worker has his van parked very close behind and half out in the street. It does not affect me directly but this is a residential area and I will be surprised if those at that end do not take action.


No.1 son and his partner really delivered the goods for Mrs P. Home cooked and delicious lunch, prosecco and rosé for Mrs P, flowers, cake and a pressie.........

That's the point of Dads........... bringing 'em up proper!!! 😂

Tonight I've made damson gin and damson chutney.


If 6 Was 9
Tonight's North Devon sunset.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
No wind and misty round the edges so midges were terrible on starting off. I always carry a head net in my bag in case I have to stop for any length of time.
The midges here are not quite as vicious as yours, but they can still be pretty nasty!

I went out on my bike one still summer evening a few years ago and punctured on the steep, hairpin descent at Blake Dean, up on the hills above Hebden Bridge. Here...


Graining Water runs under that bridge from the left and joins Hebden Water on the right. I got off and was starting to fix my puncture when a car came down the hill and stopped by me. The couple in it asked if I were okay? They offered me a lift back to Hebden Bridge with my bike, but I told them that I was fine, only a puncture, I'd soon fix it. Thanks a lot for offering though! Off they went...

Now, here is a simple equation: Summer evening + still conditions + water = MIDGE ATTACK!!!! :eek: The little sods found me 10 seconds after the car left. I was bitten over 40 times before I could scoop up my spare tube, tyre levers, bike pump etc. and dash up the road to relative safety. I finished the repair and headed for home. By the time I got back both of my legs had come up in big red spots.


Leg End Member
The midges here are not quite as vicious as yours, but they can still be pretty nasty!

I went out on my bike one still summer evening a few years ago and punctured on the steep, hairpin descent at Blake Dean, up on the hills above Hebden Bridge. Here...

View attachment 545865

Graining Water runs under that bridge from the left and joins Hebden Water on the right. I got off and was starting to fix my puncture when a car came down the hill and stopped by me. The couple in it asked if I were okay? They offered me a lift back to Hebden Bridge with my bike, but I told them that I was fine, only a puncture, I'd soon fix it. Thanks a lot for offering though! Off they went...

Now, here is a simple equation: Summer evening + still conditions + water = MIDGE ATTACK!!!! :eek: The little sods found me 10 seconds after the car left. I was bitten over 40 times before I could scoop up my spare tube, tyre levers, bike pump etc. and dash up the road to relative safety. I finished the repair and headed for home. By the time I got back both of my legs had come up in big red spots.
That bridge is a blackspot. In more ways than one. Where those two cars are parked, at the head of the footpath, had a car go headlong into the wall on their left. Dawson City would have been to the right and higher up.

Just beyond that wall, behind the tree on the opposite side from Blake Dean, there should be two ram skulls(complete with horns).

Was staying there in '95, when a car hit the wall on the left of the picture. The two female occupants were stuck in the car hanging over the edge.
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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Was staying there in '95, when a car hit the wall on the left of the picture. The two female occupants were stuck in the car hanging over the edge.
Now you mention it... It looks as though that wall had been recently repaired when I took the photo, but that would have been about 10 years ago. People clearly go down there too fast. That dip probably doesn't get much sunlight in the winter so ice could be a problem down there.

I once saw an abandoned car on its side against the wall up round the bend above...


Leg End Member
Now you mention it... It looks as though that wall had been recently repaired when I took the photo, but that would have been about 10 years ago. People clearly go down there too fast. That dip probably doesn't get much sunlight in the winter so ice could be a problem down there. Year before, and a month earlier, there was snow drifts.

I once saw an abandoned car on its side against the wall up round the bend above...
No chance of ice in '95. Bone dry, with temperatures in the high twenty's almost daily.

Best we could do was add weight to the rear end, until proper help arrived.


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all. Up early today.
I have a chiropractor appointment at 9.30, but first the dog has to be walked as per normal. Then as the chiro has moved it will be a 13 mile round trip to see him. He was only a mile away. Still, another excuse for a bike ride.
Stay safe everyone. :okay:
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