The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
try to emulate @Mo1959 by running a route that results in a rude drawing 😁
The bike ride looks slightly similar but from a different angle. :laugh:
Screenshot 2020-09-06 at 11.59.00.png


Legendary Member
I hadn't realised till yesterday evening that this is the Rapha Women's 100K challenge today. Wished I hadn't expended so much effort on yesterday's mountain bike ride, but I made it. Toiling a bit towards the end. Loads of cyclists out today.
Mo, you still managed to make it look a bit like a penis (not mine of course^_^)
Do you think you have a problem there ?


I hadn't realised till yesterday evening that this is the Rapha Women's 100K challenge today. Wished I hadn't expended so much effort on yesterday's mountain bike ride, but I made it. Toiling a bit towards the end. Loads of cyclists out today.
Very impressive Mo.
Well done on the challenge, looks like you’ll get 5,000 miles in this year. 🥇


Leg End Member
First coffee been drunk, now what to do for the rest of the day, a bike ride for sure at some point. We were supposed to be going on holiday next Friday, I thought I would be feeling more regret about not going, got to find something else to spend the money on I guess, any idea's.
Where's that place that did your breakfast the other day?
We all meet up there, and you can pay.


Legendary Member
Feet up now and watching the real cyclists. :laugh:


Leg End Member
Good morning. It looks miserable outside. I'm awake but hope to nap soon so have decamped to the spare room.

Mrs P is sleeping, it is her birthday. Hopefully I have been successful. Yesterday ensured No.2 son provided two bottles of her favourite prosecco. I have a bottle of Jo Malone cucumber and earl grey eau de cologne plus some handmade earrings. No.1 has invited us for lunch........I forgot to remind No.3 son. This may lead to my downfall.

Had a great ride yesterday. One of those rides when everything clicked for the three of us. All cooking with gas*. We took in The Nab as it's known locally - real name Whalley Nab, 175 in top UK climbs, a brute - at one point three of us pushing up a 30% gradient three abreast, no one giving an inch, over 0.7 mile averaging 10.4% :eek: I got 07.30, the other two 07:26. I'm now third in age group on The Nab.

Unsure about the rest of the day but now 😴 beckons
*You mean you were sucking diesel!


Legendary Member
I think I may have covids, last evening about 6pm I started to feel shivery and by 7pm I felt really unwell so I went to bed, later I got really hot with a temperature of 99.8F.
I took a couple of paracetamol to see if that would lower it, but it didn't, and was very hot all night.
This morning I took my temperature again 100F and phoned my sister as we were going to a birthday meal, she thought I may have covids, I think it's just a chill, but she told me to go and get tested bugger me that only wanted me to drive 40 miles to a test centre, but in the end I got a home testing kit which should be here in the next 48 hours so I will have to wait and see.
Just taken my temperature again and it's still 100F, but I don't feel that bad to be honest.


Leg End Member
I think I may have covids, last evening about 6pm I started to feel shivery and by 7pm I felt really unwell so I went to bed, later I got really hot with a temperature of 99.8F.
I took a couple of paracetamol to see if that would lower it, but it didn't, and was very hot all night.
This morning I took my temperature again 100F and phoned my sister as we were going to a birthday meal, she thought I may have covids, I think it's just a chill, but she told me to go and get tested bugger me that only wanted me to drive 40 miles to a test centre, but in the end I got a home testing kit which should be here in the next 48 hours so I will have to wait and see.
Just taken my temperature again and it's still 100F, but I don't feel that bad to be honest.
Take it easy.
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