The Retirement Thread

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Casper WY USA
My sheepherders wagon is just about done and other things beckon, especially since I will have to cover the tomatoes and squash and deal with the 30+ plus plant pots Mrs 12 loves so much. Will have a hard freeze for a couple of nights beginning Monday. The raspberries are just coming in and they won't make it. After this little episode we usually get a month or two of what is called Indian Summer around here....easily the best time of year at least partly because we know what's around the corner. It's very smoky since last night due to massive fires in southern Montana 175 miles to the north.
Put the sheepherders wagon under a crab apple tree in my front yard where it will stay till spring. This last week I made a pullout table for under the bed at Mrs 12's insistence so there is a place to eat and drink inside. Began this fiasco in October last year. I am enclosing some pics which include the table.


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Leg End Member
Don't you know?! :secret:


Started young, and still going.
That which must not be mentioned. Mum’s the word.
I thought Bird was the word?


Puzzle game procrastinator!

Apparently, we are no longer supposed to mention not mentioning the war...! :whistle:

You ever hear about the "Axeman of Hardcastle Craggs"?

Said to wander the valley, axe in one hand, as if searching for something. He'd appear, with no noise, out of the mists that happen in that valley. Other times at dead of night, carrying no light. Following paths that no longer existed.

The first you'd know he was there being an odd feeling, then you'd realise there was no earthly sound to be heard....
... because he had lopped your ears off with the axe! :laugh:

No, not heard that one.

My mum told us about a headless horseman riding around the Scottish glens, a highlander beheaded in a battle but whose body had not yet fallen from his horse. The horse charged about in a panic with the body still astride it! :eek:


Legendary Member
First of all.....thank you all for your best wishes.
Scan is complete and shows everything is fine (apart from one dead kidney which happened during my cancer op).
Problem is I am no nearer to the cause of the problems.
Whatever it is affects both of us.
We have an inspector coming Tuesday to test our water supply in case there is somehow any contamination.
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