The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I did think about posting that picture but decided against as possibly not enough interest. Wrong again.


Legendary Member
@Dirk have you hear of The phantom Woman of Warrington.
She knows exactly what you are thinking.
She has the answer to everything
She has complete mind control over her husband :wacko:
I believe there is a similar phantom near Snowdonia:rolleyes:

There is pub in Derbyshire called the silent Women Cant remember the exact location.Apparently her husband chopped her head off could she couldn’t keep her gob shut jobs a good un
Back from a windy and damp wander around Dawyck, had intended to stay for lunch at the outdoor cafe but the weather put paid to that. Now sunny at home. Oh well.
Dawyck is on a north facing slope at about 1000 ft so they always start autumn a few weeks before us.




Legendary Member
The condemned man ate a hearty breakfast (was it Kipling who said that ?).
Just enjoyed cheese, ham and tomato toasty. Can't have anything now till after my scan at 1600 :wacko:
Just seen this so good luck
I had a scan once.....looking for a brain........
my Ex had one too looking for a heart - she didn't have one, well not for me that is :sad:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Im in competition with a friend to see who can wear shorts the latest in the year. My record is December the 10th before a combination of the westher and Mrs D's complaining saw me in long trousers.
Just referred back to my diary. Still wearing shorts on the 31st December last year. We were on the other side of the world though.
I went to Cornwall for Christmas about 25 years ago. A group of us went to St Ives on Christmas Eve and it was so mild that day that I was perfectly comfortable wearing shorts and a tee-shirt. It was apparently 2 degrees C with freezing fog back up here in the Calder Valley!
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