The Retirement Thread

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Juan Kog

permanently grumpy
I have risen!

The weather is just like my Y fronts - dull and damp.
To much information


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
After blood tests I got a phone call from the Doc telling me she had prescribed "something" for me......I could collect from chemist.
She is foreign. Nice lady and I can understand her face to face. Over the chance.
So I had to speak to the pharmacist to ask what I was actually about to take.
Answer......iron supplement. Ahh, with how I am feeling that makes sense.
Strange thing, she has prescribed 3 months having previously told me that 2 months is the max the gov' will allow to prevent stockpiling.
It may not be the same as I had at one time but if you follow the instructions on how to take the stuff it is a total pain. I was glad to see the end of it.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Forecast is for rain and strong winds again and the only decent day looks to be next Sunday and then back to showers every day at best as far as the forecast goes.
Bread on to rise and may try a short walk later.
A kind of sad day again locally as MV Dawn Treader a creel boat which was built in Girvan for a local man 32 years ago has been sold and is leaving this morning for Orkney looking as fresh as the day she arrived. She featured in many tourist pictures alongside a sister ship MV Jacobite owned by his twin brother.


After blood tests I got a phone call from the Doc telling me she had prescribed "something" for me......I could collect from chemist.
She is foreign. Nice lady and I can understand her face to face. Over the chance.
So I had to speak to the pharmacist to ask what I was actually about to take.
Answer......iron supplement. Ahh, with how I am feeling that makes sense.
Strange thing, she has prescribed 3 months having previously told me that 2 months is the max the gov' will allow to prevent stockpiling.

When I was taking an Iron supplement I found Floradix really pleasant to take.
It's quite expensive but can ofter be on offer in Boots and Holland and Barrett.
Swiss made with the vitamins obtained from various herbs and plants. The iron was quite gentle on the stomach.
Taking vitamin C with iron increases its efficacy.


Good morning everyone. It's bright and blustery and rain forecast is now down to 5% which is much better than expected. My only plan for the day is to meet up with a friend for a ride. Plan is to do some local hills. I'll then see what happens when I get home.

@Dave7 I will keep my fingers crossed for you this afternoon. Good luck.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Bonjour. After raining most of the night, the sky has cleared and it looks alright so far. I am expecting a visit from the British Gas chap today to give us a quote on the power flush. Fingers crossed. :blush:
For the first time ever since we had her when she was only 8 weeks old, I shouted at Molly last night for whatever reason so I feel bad about it this morning :sad: so I might buy her a treat later on.
@Drago, I am still in my shorts but don't think it will be for much longer. :okay:
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