The Retirement Thread

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Started young, and still going.
How about Boris and Trump ruling the free world. 😰
It'll never happen :whistle:


Legendary Member
Every things down this morning, went online to order my Good Ladies medication and the doctors website is down, unexpected maintanance, sounds like the servers gone t*ts up. Phoned the POD to order my medication and thats down as well, unusual volume of calls and technical issues, don't you love modern technology. :wacko:^_^

My surgery changed from a surgery based repeat prescription system to a system Called Patient Access prescription goes direct to nominated pharmacy or for collection of the prescription from the surgery System has been running for some time and has not been any problems as far as I am concerned Medication is usually ready for collection two days after ordering


Leg End Member
No PB win for me this time. I always get an email when I win so I just check when I win to see how much. All of my wins so far have just been £25. I only tend to win about once a year now my £6k+ holding has been reduced to less than £1k.

What might turn out to be profitable is that I woke up (after a poor quality 4 hours of sleep!) with an idea for a spooky story. (I enter lots of competitions and tend to do well on ones that require creative writing. Over the past few years I have won about £5,000 worth of prizes!) Yesterday, I had spotted a competition to win £500. The challenge is to write a spooky, supernatural story in less than 1,200 words. I wasn't going to bother but waking up with an interesting idea (with a cycling twist!) seems like a good omen. That is my task for this afternoon since I want a break from puzzle game development and rain will soon have stopped cycling play.

If any of you fancy having a go at the competition, see the details below:

Do you like ghost stories? Do you have an idea for a spine-tingling
spooky tale to enjoy by the fireside? Then why not put pen to paper
and take a shot at our Autumn short story competition.

We are looking for stories (maximum of 1,200 words) that have a
supernatural theme - the spookier the better!

Send your story along with your name, email address and phone
number to with "best fiction 2020" in
the subject line.

Closes midnight 15 Sept 2020

Entries will be judged by 5 October and a winner, plus 2 runners-up
will be picked shortly afterwards, chosen by a team at Best.

Will you be using any of the local ones as a basic idea for yours?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
My surgery changed from a surgery based repeat prescription system to a system Called Patient Access prescription goes direct to nominated pharmacy or for collection of the prescription from the surgery System has been running for some time and has not been any problems as far as I am concerned Medication is usually ready for collection two days after ordering
I find the new system annoying. I am on warfarin for life and need a new prescription every 4 weeks. I have to make an online request every time. I have regular blood tests to check that my dose is correct. One time my required dose was changed by the anticoagulation clinic so I ordered what I needed, bearing in mind the spare pills I had left over from the previous prescription. My GP overruled my request and replaced it with what she thought that I needed, which meant that I ended up with spare pills.

I was perfectly happy for my GP to renew my prescription every time (old system) or to order it myself (new system) if it saves the GP some work. What is the point of me having to order the drugs AND the GP having to check anyway?! More work to achieve the same outcome. And what about people who are not capable of going online to reorder their prescriptions?

I pick up from the local Boots, but they are now offering a free prescription delivery service. I don't bother using it because it gives me an excuse for a walk to the shops and get out of the house for a while.

Will you be using any of the local ones [spooky/ghost stories] as a basic idea for yours?
No, mine is an original idea.

I told my sister about the competition and she said that she will try to remember some of the Scottish ghost stories that our mum told us when we were little.


Legendary Member

I wish my garage looked like that.

I don’t know who said it.A place for every thing and ever thing in its place Tried that still can’t remember where I’ve put things.🙁🙁🙁


Legendary Member
I find the new system annoying. I am on warfarin for life and need a new prescription every 4 weeks. I have to make an online request every time. I have regular blood tests to check that my dose is correct. One time my required dose was changed by the anticoagulation clinic so I ordered what I needed, bearing in mind the spare pills I had left over from the previous prescription. My GP overruled my request and replaced it with what she thought that I needed, which meant that I ended up with spare pills.

I was perfectly happy for my GP to renew my prescription every time (old system) or to order it myself (new system) if it saves the GP some work. What is the point of me having to order the drugs AND the GP having to check anyway?! More work to achieve the same outcome. And what about people who are not capable of going online to reorder their prescriptions?

I pick up from the local Boots, but they are now offering a free prescription delivery service. I don't bother using it because it gives me an excuse for a walk to the shops and get out of the house for a while.

No, mine is an original idea.

I told my sister about the competition and she said that she will try to remember some of the Scottish ghost stories that our mum told us when we were little.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Good luck with your submission, I hope you are going to share it with us sometime ?
Thanks. I will do after the competition has been judged. Sometimes there is a clause in the terms and conditions that the work has to be original and becomes the property of the organiser after entry so it is best not to make an entry public prematurely.
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