The Retirement Thread

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It's going to be a nice autumnal day. I too have won £25, as usual I had hoped for a bit more. I live to be disappointed monthly.

Today is one of my doing stuff days. Mrs P is out most of the day. I need to do housework, check contents of freezer - we need to eat some of it!, ALDI run, cycle club admin.

I know you've all been waiting for this. UPDATE on paint in measuring jug. It's still there. This will become a battle of wills. I'm taking bets - will it set like the Sword in the Stone or start to grow a mould?


Just having a coffee before I do stuff. The windows are open. I can hear lots of women laughing and chatting on the road.

Just realised the village school opens today for the first time in six months.

Deleted member 1258

Every things down this morning, went online to order my Good Ladies medication and the doctors website is down, unexpected maintanance, sounds like the servers gone t*ts up. Phoned the POD to order my medication and thats down as well, unusual volume of calls and technical issues, don't you love modern technology. :wacko:^_^


Legendary Member
Morning all... Today I'm going to be ruthless, (see what I did there) and here's my garage. This is before, and in a couple of months I'll show you the after, no point in rushing! :smile:...


welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Just tried to check my PB's and couldn't log on, there's a queue and approx 10 minute wait!

I have the ap. No waiting with that


Legendary Member
The garage floor saga continues, the paint applied yesterday has dried a bit too matt for my liking, so it looks like it will be spending some money after all and repainting again, if the paint gets much thicker I will have to raise the ceiling up.
I thought it was a garage. I had no idea you were going to be using it for hosting tea parties for the royal family ^_^
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