The Retirement Thread

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Hopefully the traffic will have died down from now on as most will have buggered off back home because the kids will be going to school.

There was a news story that said an argument and scuffle has taken place on top of Snowdon for God's sake. Apparently there were so many people there that a 1 way system was in force for going up and down the mountain. One man clearly decided he didn't want to stand In a queue to go up so tried to go up the down way. Handbags at dawn type of thing. Who would have thought we would ever see this sort of thing.
My stepdaughter went up Snowdon last weekend with her partner and two friends. They were disgusted with the amount of rubbish left up there.
Why don't people have more respect for the environment, do they leave rubbish on the floor in their own houses?


Legendary Member
I've been watching a film tonight, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, a bit of an uncomfortable watch in a couple of places, but interesting and better than a lot of them you find on the internet, I'm going to watch the final hour tomorrow.

There are two more books in the trilogy by stiegLarsson The Girl who Played With Fire.The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest.Im not sure but I think The Girl Who Played With Fire was also made into a film

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
My stepdaughter went up Snowdon last weekend with her partner and two friends. They were disgusted with the amount of rubbish left up there.
Why don't people have more respect for the environment, do they leave rubbish on the floor in their own houses?

Seems to have been a problem everywhere. People leaving rubbish in hedges, on beaches and everywhere in between. They claim to want to come to the countryside to enjoy the scenery and cleanliness etc, but then act like animals and leave the locals and councils to clean up the mess.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Nice morning and down for shopping at 0700 to find the council in their wisdom have decided to cause more chaos by replacing the seafront railings and blocking off all parking anywhere near the coop at a particularly busy time of year. Forgot to get carrots but I am not going back down again today.
We have two FB pages here, one run by and for recent incomers and the "we love all tourists regardless of their bad behaviour" groupies.
The other does moderate a bit but his morning a guy I know is in full flow after his dog rolled twice in human excrement in the local forest park and rudely awakened and ejected 8 campers from beside the No Camping sign at 0600. He was a ships officer and is able to put on the voice of authority and also much colourful language. The local bus route has also been blocked since they ignore No Parking signs and just hope there is not a fire anywhere near as the fire engine would not get past either.
That is the mildest bits and there is much more.
A house just along has turned into an AirB&B and they park one vehicle occupying 2 spaces so those who live here are beginning to hate tourists even more.
Nice to have a good rant first thing to set me up for the day.


Up over
Where is home, and where are you flying from?
Home is Essex and we are coming back from Perth, Australia. We've been here for just over a year so it's going to be a whole new world when we get back. WA is pretty well virus free, not sure what Essex is like though. 2 weeks quarantine to do though because were coming back via Doha.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Seems to have been a problem everywhere. People leaving rubbish in hedges, on beaches and everywhere in between. They claim to want to come to the countryside to enjoy the scenery and cleanliness etc, but then act like animals and leave the locals and councils to clean up the mess.
I have a nice little rant on this very subject this morning and we are the ones who are expected to welcome such people.From our angle it just gets worse.


Legendary Member
Seems to have been a problem everywhere. People leaving rubbish in hedges, on beaches and everywhere in between. They claim to want to come to the countryside to enjoy the scenery and cleanliness etc, but then act like animals and leave the locals and councils to clean up the mess.
One of our pet hates that.
What puzzles me is they take cans/bottles/ wrappers etc with them when they are full. Why can they not take them away when they are empty.
I still recall seeing a guy eating fish n chips (I think) out of paper. When he finished he literally just dropped it on the pavement. He didn't even bother to screw it up:wacko: Dreadful.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
We need tourists especially now, but it has to be said that their behaviour is often quite disgusting. Bags of dog poo all over the place and other quite horrendous stuff.

Their road skills leave a lot to be desired as well. Good job I don't often have to go to town.

The other day, someone who is staying at a holiday home in the village had a yappy terrier with them that went for Mr WD as he walked down the lane. The owner saw that Mr WD was about to hit the dog with his fist and quickly pulled it back. Good job there were no kids about as it could have attacked them.:sad:


Started young, and still going.
Home is Essex and we are coming back from Perth, Australia. We've been here for just over a year so it's going to be a whole new world when we get back. WA is pretty well virus free, not sure what Essex is like though. 2 weeks quarantine to do though because were coming back via Doha.
A very good friend of mine lives in Perth WA, South Como to be precise. I was over there a couple of years back. I liked Perth and the way it is laid out.
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