The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Sunshine one minute, then dull and overcast the next here.


If 6 Was 9
Caravan fettling done. I've hard wired the solar system into the van now I know it's all working OK. Bit of neater job now. :okay:
Having a spot of lunch now, then a stroll down the village with MrsD so she can get her hair done. I might be a bit thirsty by the time we get down there........


Leg End Member
Caravan fettling done. I've hard wired the solar system into the van now I know it's all working OK. Bit of neater job now. :okay:
Having a spot of lunch now, then a stroll down the village with MrsD so she can get her hair done. I might be a bit thirsty by the time we get down there........
And rather than hang around in the hairdressers, you'll forgo your trip to the cafe!


Legendary Member
One of our pet hates that.
What puzzles me is they take cans/bottles/ wrappers etc with them when they are full. Why can they not take them away when they are empty.
I still recall seeing a guy eating fish n chips (I think) out of paper. When he finished he literally just dropped it on the pavement. He didn't even bother to screw it up:wacko: Dreadful.

Makes me wonder how these people were brought up.As a child I was brought up not to drop litter,If dropped so much as a sweet wrapper I would get a slap round the head from dad..Do that now and you would probably end up being reported by some do gooder to Social Services


If 6 Was 9
And rather than hang around in the hairdressers, you'll forgo your trip to the cafe!

I forgoded my trip to the cafe.....:cheers:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Makes me wonder how these people were brought up.As a child I was brought up not to drop litter,If dropped so much as a sweet wrapper I would get a slap round the head from dad..Do that now and you would probably end up being reported by some do gooder to Social Services
Some parents are actually teaching their kids that they SHOULD drop litter.

A friend of mine volunteered to take somebody else's young daughter for a seaside stroll. As they wandered along, the girl tossed her empty Coke can down on the path.

My pal: "Now, now - we shouldn't drop litter! Pick it up and we can put it in the bin over there."

Child: "NO - mummy says that we should drop the stuff so the rubbish men can come and pick it up. That is what they get paid to do and they would lose their jobs if we didn't give them something to do!"

I went for a ride the other evening and saw the usual roadside food and drink litter and then turned down a lane and found a battered Dyson vacuum cleaner in a ditch. Not one of those lightweight modern ones - an original big chunky one like this...


Slobs! :cursing:


Legendary Member
Always put mine in at night as well.
I have always put my car away at night, except for the current Volvo that doesn't fit in the garage. Well, that's not quite true - it does fit, but having to climb in and out of the sunroof gets a bit tiresome.

My neighbour has a double garage. It's full of worthless sheet, while his £150,000 Aston Martin gets covered in guano on the driveway.
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