The Retirement Thread

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Morning all, got halfway through painting the garage floor yesterday and decided I do not like the colour so off to the Dulux shop today for a different pot of paint.


Good morning fellow retirees,
Sunny and calm outside.

Kindle on charge, coffee brewing, Just a matter of making sure everything is switched off before heading off on our journey to Edinburgh.
Looking forward to catching up with family and friends.
Have a lovely peaceful day folks 🚴‍♀️🚶‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏊‍♂️


Legendary Member
I have risen!

Muttley already walked. Was a fresh 6°C out this morning - first day of meteorological autumn and the weather has turned as if someone has thrown a switch. Already seen the first muppet of the season, driving up the roads with his side windows totally misted up.

Mrs D back at work today, Mini D at home with me, does not go back to school until tomorrow.

Deleted member 1258

The original Swedish one, or the American remake?

I've seen the original Swedish trilogy and liked them, but as you say - uncomfortable viewing! Noomi Rapace was very good as Lisbeth Salander, but I've read that her character is softened for the remake, whereas the character of Mikael Blomkvist is toughened up by Daniel Craig. I'll have to watch the remake to see what I make of it.

The American remake.
Morning all, a breezy 10 degrees here.

Enjoyed the scenery of yesterday’s Tour stage, exciting finish too.

Thoroughly depressed about covid though. I read today that a pupil at Currie has tested +ve, that only a few miles away. It’s drawing ever closer.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hopefully the traffic will have died down from now on as most will have buggered off back home because the kids will be going to school.

There was a news story that said an argument and scuffle has taken place on top of Snowdon for God's sake. Apparently there were so many people there that a 1 way system was in force for going up and down the mountain. One man clearly decided he didn't want to stand In a queue to go up so tried to go up the down way. Handbags at dawn type of thing. Who would have thought we would ever see this sort of thing.


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Bit of caravan fettling this morning to get it ready for next weeks getaway. We're doing 3 weeks in Somerset at 4 different sites, 2 of which are off grid. Hoping the weather stays reasonably fine.
MrsD's got a hair dressing appointment at lunchtime, so a walk down the village is called for.


Started young, and still going.
Morning all, a nice bright start to the day.
Out with the dog soon and then I will be out on the bike as I have some things to do in Barnet and then across to Borehamwood.
That will get the legs warmed up as it is a bit hilly no matter which way you go.
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