The Retirement Thread

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BTW...... I enjoyed TdF yesterday.
I have cycled all along that coast around is (or was beautiful) but started getting way too busy in the 90s.
I have also DRIVEN up many of those mountains and walked around that amazing mountain top village of Eze.
@PaulSB I imagine you have actually cycled some of those mountains?? You have friends down there if I recall.
Yes we have friends who live 500 metres from the Promenade des Anglais. They have a stunningly beautiful house in a gated garden. It's been in the family for 90 years.

Our friends also have a house above Eze on the Grand Corniche. When we go we split our time between Nice centre and Eze.

Oddly despite visiting Nice 2 years out of 3 since 1978 I've never climbed the local mountains. I once did the climb out of Nice to the Grand Corniche. I've only rarely taken the bike; it's so busy I'd get no real pleasure and staying with great friends it's a bit rude to bugger off all day on the bike.

Cycled thousands of miles in other areas of France. Love it.


My sweet bell peppers are not happy.
They mostly look good but some have started to rot.
Mr Google tells me its a shortage of calcium BUT how do I add that :sad:
Powdered milk or Epsom I'm not taking the piss. 😄

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Have to tell you this looks like a watering issue. Tomatoes respond well to a regular amount of water. Mine get two litres per day, four in hot weather.

If the watering is erratic, flood followed by drought, varying amounts every day, overwatering will all give a variety of leaf symptoms.

Shouldn't stop them ripening though.

Thank God they are Mr WD's plants m he watered them.:laugh:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
We really liked the Bridge, a lot of TV series made with an eye on the international market are so formulaic, you start to notice the mini cliff hangers that occur so that adverts can be inserted. The Bridge was really well made with strong characters and a good storyline. We also enjoyed the insight into how a different society and culture operates.
It is what got me into subtitled foreign crime dramas. I always keep my eyes open for new ones on BBC4 and also scour Netflix and All 4 for 'boxed sets' to binge view.


Leg End Member
I like more4 crime/thrillers. Walter is very good
Like posts that just disappear!
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