The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
A reasonably successful morning all things considered.
Got a lot of winter plants in.
Going with @PaulSB s suggestion and going for some Violas tomorrow plus some taller plants (see what they have).

Did a lot of dead heading (we have a good number of potted plants.
Sat outside listening to some Pick of the Pops but it did get cold.
Just put chips, sausage and chicken into cook.
Golf, cycling and football on tv....I am spoiled.

Juan Kog

permanently grumpy
I can honestly say I have never been into Aldi or Lidl, I'm not too sure we even have them in my area, of course we do have a Waitrose and Sainsburys :smile:
Many years ago Mrs Kog and I were shopping in our local Waitrose, coming towards us was our dentist who we were on first name terms with. " What are you two doing in here, Waitrose is for posh people "


A reasonably successful morning all things considered.
Got a lot of winter plants in.
Going with @PaulSB s suggestion and going for some Violas tomorrow plus some taller plants (see what they have).

Did a lot of dead heading (we have a good number of potted plants.
Sat outside listening to some Pick of the Pops but it did get cold.
Just put chips, sausage and chicken into cook.
Golf, cycling and football on tv....I am spoiled.
Pleased to read your dead heading, few people bother with this but it's very worthwhile.

Violas. Good, I hope it works.......for my sake. 🤞😂


Well just popped down from the allotment for a brew and a rummage in the freezer. Tonight's tea will be homemade turkey and apricot burgers, homegrown lettuce, tomatoes, new potatoes, French beans, the last few peas and runner beans.........just thought I'd mention this. 😄

I need to dig a few potatoes, tidy the compost heap and then it's a quick shower and the ALDI run.


Legendary Member
@Dave7 look out for Cordyline australis which comes in red, green or green/white variegated varieties/cultivars. The one you are most likely to find is called "Red Star."

Needs some protection from cold winds.

Consultancy invoice in post - cheque please, no bank details given out - and I'm now going to pull my onions.

Are you allowed to say things like pulling your onions.😖😖😖


Legendary Member
We're in Leamington Spa this morning.

View attachment 544170

The town or the shop.😀😀Were you aware that you had a three baby elephants following you.🐘🐘🐘
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