The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I’m so lucky my nearest town for shopping has THREE Aldi’s and I’m not going to tell you where this wonderful place is.

Greedy thing.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
First reasonable forecast for a while so up early and looked ok outside. Had some porridge and got togged up then realised it was raining. Wait for 10 minutes and it has passed over so off out in what used to be my winter gear. Temp to start was 7C with a brisk northerly wind which blows me up the long hills ok but means I have to push a bit back down but not on the last swoop back down. By this time temp has risen to 9C and as I write this it is now 12c outside my house. Being Saturday there are only a few cars around at that time but the campsite which I pass seems to be at full capacity.
Yesterday afternoon Calmac put out a text that Lochaline/Fishnish ferry had abandoned the timetable and was running a shuttle service to try to keep up with traffic volume. Whether it was more hordes arriving or not I do not know but I do not remember this volume in past years.

Deleted member 1258

We're in Leamington Spa this morning.



Puzzle game procrastinator!
How do some of you, OAPs, managed to do that sort of mileage so early in the morning, ( 36 and 51 miles) ? Are you sure you are not lying about your age and more like in your 30's really ? I am green with envy because when I do 30 miles plus, I think I have done well. :rolleyes:
Chapeau to you and may it last. :notworthy:
If you are impressed by that, gav, read this...

I'll just dig up a letter sent by Chris Crossland, the organiser of The Other Fleet Moss Randonee in 2006... I kept the letter because it made such an impression on me at the time. TOFMR was a 200 km audax event from Halifax up into the Yorkshire Dales and back via the fringes of The Forest of Bowland.

Chris C:
  • Riders of this event will be accustomed to find me bringing noteworthy achievements to their attention, and this year is no exception... [list of achievements]... and a very hearty well done to 'D' [name withheld] who took delivery of his new Van Nicholas audax bike earlier in the week and, at the age of 77 (my emphasis) , was the senior rider, leaving many of the juniors in his wake. Some of the juniors may have noticed that he had a badly bruised left hand sustained in a cycling fall a few days earlier.Those of you left behind by 'D' may not be comforted to discover that he visited A&E the next day, where it was discovered that he had ridden the event with a broken hand.

Fleet Moss is a whacking big climb between Langstrothdale Chase (just beyond the end of Wharfedale) and Hawes in Wensleydale. It took me 75 km of chasing to finally catch 'D' and his mates, just before the summit of Fleet Moss. He was 27 years older than me, and I didn't have a broken hand...

Now if I can still be doing hilly 200s at the age of 77, even when injured, I'd settle for that ;)!


Casper WY USA
Actually cold here this morning. As we would say in New Mexico...Chile today, hot tamale. And a little rain too, which makes perfect sense as Saturday is the Farmers Market at the county extension office. Praps the drought will easy up for a while. The aspens on the mountain have been stressed and if they get a little rain maybe they will give us a little pretty color when they change.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I can honestly say I have never been into Aldi or Lidl, I'm not too sure we even have them in my area, of course we do have a Waitrose and Sainsburys :smile:
My nearest Sainsbury is about 100 miles away and I think there is a Waitrose a bit further into the urban jungle of Glasgow. Oban has both Lidl and Aldi as well as Tesco and M&S. Not been in any of them since about January.
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