The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Just noticed this on at 9. Not sure if a psychological thriller is the best pre-bedtime watching though!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Never really stopped raining all day so dug out my favourite cast iron pan for a curry. No idea why but it always tastes better from this pan. Turned out a bit hotter than I intended which reminds me of a past lucky escape.
We had a visit from the managing director as he liked to put in an appearance from time to time. I got on well with him once I discovered he preferred somebody who spoke back. He told me later I got the job as on our first meeting I was a bit terse with him and he decided I was an awkward sod and just what he was looking for.
Anyway my wife who was an excellent cook invited him in for a pot luck dinner which was chilli con carne. He declined as he did not like spicy food and just as well as she had badly misjudged the chilli and it was red hot even for us. She would probably have bluffed her way out of it somehow but cannot imagine how.


Before I head off to watch the film. I will relate one more pee story. A member of our club, NOT me, was riding home after a club ride. In need of some urgent relief he stopped in a driveway, popped round behind the large gate post and emerged feeling more comfortable.........

.........24 hours later CCTV footage appeared on Facebook of said moment of relief. 😂 I think the entire club has seen the clip. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Fortunately the house owner is friendly with one of our members and has a sense of humour!!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Just noticed this on at 9. Not sure if a psychological thriller is the best pre-bedtime watching though!
It's a shocker! :eek:

I watched it on Netflix a couple of months ago...


Casper WY USA
Here is one of my fecal adventures....years ago we would go cross county skiing in the mountains just west of Denver at a high altitude without actual trails. We would make our own trails with sturdy skis made for this. On one trip, having exerted myself, I felt a strong need for relief and found a large stump kinda level with the snow. Dropped trousers and began the process only to overbalance, have the rear part of the skis sink deeply in to the powder snow, and wound up head down and skis up. Thankfully, once my friends quit laughing they helped me get up which would have been difficult by myself in 6 feet of snow with skis on.


Leg End Member
Here is one of my fecal adventures....years ago we would go cross county skiing in the mountains just west of Denver at a high altitude without actual trails. We would make our own trails with sturdy skis made for this. On one trip, having exerted myself, I felt a strong need for relief and found a large stump kinda level with the snow. Dropped trousers and began the process only to overbalance, have the rear part of the skis sink deeply in to the powder snow, and wound up head down and skis up. Thankfully, once my friends quit laughing they helped me get up which would have been difficult by myself in 6 feet of snow with skis on.
Was this before or after you'd been?
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