The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Er, the EU wasn't founded until 1993.

I hope it goes well for you Gavroche. I would hope that of you have a letter like that it should be a foregone conclusion. In your position I would drop a few quid on a solicitor and seek a professional opinion before drawing attention to myself by starting the application process.


Legendary Member
Those night time pee stories reminded me.
When I was a kid......maybe 6 years old, the bog was down the yard and everyone had a po (bed pan, gazunder).
So this night I got up, pulled the po out, had my pee and got back into bed.
The next morning I slipped my foot into my slipper.....only to find that I hadn't used my po at all :wacko:


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Er, the EU wasn't founded until 1993.

I hope it goes well for you Gavroche. I would hope that of you have a letter like that it should be a foregone conclusion. In your position I would drop a few quid on a solicitor and seek a professional opinion before drawing attention to myself by starting the application process.
That is a good idea and I might just do that. :okay:
At least, my solicitor should be able to give me a definite answer, unlike the MP who must be afraid to commit himself. :cursing:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Those night time pee stories reminded me.
When I was a kid......maybe 6 years old, the bog was down the yard and everyone had a po (bed pan, gazunder).
So this night I got up, pulled the po out, had my pee and got back into bed.
The next morning I slipped my foot into my slipper.....only to find that I hadn't used my po at all :wacko:
When I was riddled with blood clots and stuck in hospital for over a week, I noticed that the old man in the bed next to me was not using his bed. He was spending all day and night in a chair between the 2 beds, just the other side of a curtain which was closed at night. I went to get out of bed his side one morning and slipped, almost falling flat on my face. He'd only peed into a bottle overnight but fallen asleep and dropped it on the floor between our beds! :cursing:

He did it again a couple of nights later but I had learned to check before getting out of bed, and was getting out the other side anyway. I had a quiet word with one of the nurses that he really needed to have the bottle taken away promptly after he had used it!


Legendary Member
Those night time pee stories reminded me.
When I was a kid......maybe 6 years old, the bog was down the yard and everyone had a po (bed pan, gazunder).
So this night I got up, pulled the po out, had my pee and got back into bed.
The next morning I slipped my foot into my slipper.....only to find that I hadn't used my po at all :wacko:

I had a musical po When in use it played chamber music.


Legendary Member
Since we’re sharing embarrassing toilet stories, here’s mine.

Anyone that runs will know that it seems to jiggle your insides and often requires you to empty your bowels rather promptly, especially after a strong coffee before setting out. Two thirds of the way round my morning run, I had to clamber up the banking and go behind a wall and do the deed. Next day I met a lady I know on the walk with her little white Westie. She informed me that she had had to wash her after her last walk as she had rolled in human poo in the exact same spot! Oops. Was hard keeping a straight face.


Legendary Member
Problem there is possession of a countries passport is not automatically indicative of a right to reside or citizenship within that country.

A friend of mine is polish, and he was telling me how prior to the leave date a lot of his polish chums who were resident here but not british citizens were buying property here in the hope that would give them some kind of rights or entitlement. They were wrong.

I'm sure Gavroche will be fine, bit it's a serious ballache that the government can't make it clear in plain language where people in his position now stand, so that when MPs receive queries from their constituents they can direct them to an authoritative source. Alas, no government of any stripe has ever been efficient or sensible...which is why I dont5 vote for any of them,


Puzzle game procrastinator!
My sons have Ukrainian and Italian grandparents. I've encouraged two of them to apply for an Italian passport.
My mum's side of the family are Scottish. The way things are headed, I may be eligible for a Scottish passport for a few years before I pop my clogs... :whistle:


Legendary Member
That worries me even more. Being a scotsman from the northern isles, if Jockland did become independent the northern isles are quite likely to either refuse to accede, or to break away and become independent themselves, or more likely a protectorate territory of Norway.

So which of a gazillion passports would I end up with?

Why cant the world just give each other a big hug?
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That landing strip does look amazing and I do enjoy a ceilidh. Dramathon is on my radar, as is the postponed Tiree Ultra ( was down as a team of two this year, with daughter due to get the glory leg)
Ideally I'd like Mrs Tenkay and I to enter as a team of two but she's understandably apprehensive due to not wanting to risk damage to her titanium knee.
In the dim and distant mists of time, well before our daughter moved there, our very first trip to Scotland was to Edinburgh where Mrs Tenkay was competing in a 100k race in the grounds of Herriot Watt University, and I was boosting the takings of the Students Union bar 🍺🍻 😁
Coincidentally, it was Portobello RC that we used to run with, a very friendly bunch. Wednesday night intervals on the prom with hill reps in Holyrood Park in the summer, back in the day !


Since we’re sharing embarrassing toilet stories, here’s mine.

Anyone that runs will know that it seems to jiggle your insides and often requires you to empty your bowels rather promptly, especially after a strong coffee before setting out. Two thirds of the way round my morning run, I had to clamber up the banking and go behind a wall and do the deed. Next day I met a lady I know on the walk with her little white Westie. She informed me that she had had to wash her after her last walk as she had rolled in human poo in the exact same spot! Oops. Was hard keeping a straight face.


Embarrassing toilet anecdotes.
During the IOW Marathon, a tough, hilly and scenic route starting and finishing on the Prom in Ryde.
I was quite a few miles into the race when I realised that I needed the loo. I was between villages and realised that I couldn't make it to the next one where there might be a pub who's toilet I could use. Just in time a narrow lane appeared on my left I dashed up there and pushed my way through a hedge into an uncultivated field. I quickly squatted down resting my back against the hedge as a wave of relief swept over me. Looking up I noticed I could see the tops of the occasional car as they crossed a narrow hump bridge. " Good job they can't see me" I thought. A few moments later a Wallace Arnold coach full of pensioners crested the bridge. The extra height and picture windows giving them the perfect view. :ohmy:
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