The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I have only been retired for 12 years, so, have no experience of that being reported on here..... yet ;)
I never change my Y fronts. I go through the normal 4 combinations of wear (there is a 5th combination, but you need to be a Mason before theyll reveal it to you) and then I take them off so the guy at the pub and scrape them with a scraper and blowtorch. While hes doing that I go commmando in my short shorts, give the ladies of the village a bit of a visual treat.

I can never clean them, or Anglian Water will do me for contaminating the drains, and I cant bin them as they're way too toxic to go into a landfill.
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Legendary Member
Must watch on TV
Channel 5.
A guy who had a problem and had to have HIS COMPLETE PENIS REMOVED :eek::eek::eek:
Maybe not :wacko:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I never change my Y fronts. I go through the normal 4 combinations of wear (there is a 5th combination, but you need to be a Mason before theyll reveal it to you) and then I take them off so the guy at the pub and scrape them with a scraper and blowtorch. While hes doing that I go commmando in my short shorts, give the ladies of the village a bit of a visual treat.

I can never clean them, or Anglian Water will use mine for contaminating the drains, and I cant bin them as they're way too toxic to go into a landfill.



And MrsD moans at me!!!
It's brilliant we both can still manage it after all these years of marriage.Keep going stud.
Not mine, Mrs Tenkays.

She was going to chuck them all out when we last had a clearcut of various cupboards but I rescued them and cleared a shelf in the shed to put them on. Strangest one was when we went to Portugal to do the Lisbon 1/2. We were on the coach afterwards waiting to go back to the Hotel when a chap got on asking for someone, eventually realised that it was Mrs Tenkay. Apparently she'd won her age category and they presented her with a humungous trophy. ( they do like awarding large trophies in races on the continent )

Probably my most pleasant running experiences came after running the Cherbourg Marathon in 92. It was a tad warm that day but I had my running head on and ran quite well. Shortly after I crossed the finishing line I was led away into a tent where two attractive French Mademoiselles massaged my legs ^_^ That was followed by a Civic reception with a seemingly endless supply of wine...
On of my favourite running experiences was the Barrathon, a half marathon around Barra. We took it as an opportunity to fly there, so as to experience the amazing beach runway. It didn’t disappoint. The race too lived up to expectations, a terrific community effort, seen off by the local priest, and with loads of prizes presented at a terrific evening ceilidh.


On of my favourite running experiences was the Barrathon, a half marathon around Barra. We took it as an opportunity to fly there, so as to experience the amazing beach runway. It didn’t disappoint. The race too lived up to expectations, a terrific community effort, seen off by the local priest, and with loads of prizes presented at a terrific evening ceilidh.
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That landing strip does look amazing and I do enjoy a ceilidh. Dramathon is on my radar, as is the postponed Tiree Ultra ( was down as a team of two this year, with daughter due to get the glory leg)
Ideally I'd like Mrs Tenkay and I to enter as a team of two but she's understandably apprehensive due to not wanting to risk damage to her titanium knee.
In the dim and distant mists of time, well before our daughter moved there, our very first trip to Scotland was to Edinburgh where Mrs Tenkay was competing in a 100k race in the grounds of Herriot Watt University, and I was boosting the takings of the Students Union bar 🍺🍻 😁
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