Good morning. Sunny spells appear to be the order of the day.
Yesterday I woke at 2.50am and couldn't sleep. By 9.00pm I was wiped out, went to bed and slept till 6.20 this morning except for the obligatory pee. Have to say I rather like
@classic33's idea on being an early waker. I would though settle for 6.30 most days.
So several minor decorating related jobs today, don't these take up so much time?
- Move router and Sonos bridge to behind the TV to hide them better
- Move phone and answer phone to back room tio hide this better - love playing find the phone when it rings!!!!
- Tidy all TV/Sonos/Router/Digi box/etc. cables
- Fix a blanking plate over the aerial cable which runs across the room under the floor and pops up in a far corner. Installed this years ago as Mrs P thought we might want to move the telly one day. :sighs:

- Move book case outside/sand down/paint and hopefully reinstall today
- Squeaky floor board to fix - Geez I hate those
Onions need harvesting but really also need 2-3 days of sun to dry off afterwards. Forecast for Friday is iffy but full on sunshine for the weekend.