The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I have something planned for a change, off to knock some clay out of the sky again. Also 2 x twenty miles and two turbo session done in the last 5 days, my enthusiasm for the bike is coming back.
I tried clay pigeon shooting once. Quite enjoyed it but never had the urge to do it again.


Legendary Member
Good morning fellow retirees,

A lovely post run picnic in the park yesterday evening. We sat on the Cricket green watching a group of youngsters having an impromptu game. I'm worn out by the grandaughters new favourite pastime of grandad picking her up and spinning her around until she is dizzy, "again grandad, again!...

Phone consultation with my specialist at 11:00, I'll miss not seeing her face to face as she's a charming lady and we get on really well.
Then it's pack the holiday clothes/shoes to send to Embra before our journey up on Tuesday.
Have a lovely peaceful day folks ☔🚣‍♀️🏃‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚴‍♀️🏊‍♂️☔
I like that idea of sending the bags and travelling by train. We are thinking of trying it to the Whitby area.


Legendary Member
Waking up at 0300 means I need a pee.
Waking up at 0500 means I have wet the bed :wacko:.
We are in town this morning. MrsD is having her hair done. I am parting with a load of cash for my new specs. Can't really complain as I have had this pair many years. Vision has not changed a lot but I find small print is getting smaller.
Rain due in by 1300 so will hopefully miss it.


Good morning. Sunny spells appear to be the order of the day.

Yesterday I woke at 2.50am and couldn't sleep. By 9.00pm I was wiped out, went to bed and slept till 6.20 this morning except for the obligatory pee. Have to say I rather like @classic33's idea on being an early waker. I would though settle for 6.30 most days.

So several minor decorating related jobs today, don't these take up so much time?
  • Move router and Sonos bridge to behind the TV to hide them better
  • Move phone and answer phone to back room tio hide this better - love playing find the phone when it rings!!!!
  • Tidy all TV/Sonos/Router/Digi box/etc. cables
  • Fix a blanking plate over the aerial cable which runs across the room under the floor and pops up in a far corner. Installed this years ago as Mrs P thought we might want to move the telly one day. :sighs: :blush:
  • Move book case outside/sand down/paint and hopefully reinstall today
  • Squeaky floor board to fix - Geez I hate those
Onions need harvesting but really also need 2-3 days of sun to dry off afterwards. Forecast for Friday is iffy but full on sunshine for the weekend.


Legendary Member
being an early waker.
Why did I read that as something else :laugh:

I just did 25 miles. Rain started to get heavy so headed for home, and of course it eased off again, but by then I was looking forward to breakfast.

Deleted member 1258

Urgent news update, the battery on my bank access dongle thingy has run out, it is over 9 years old so I should not complain.

My bank uses something called a secure key, looks like a small calculater, when the battery went I had to get a new one from the bank and spend half an hour with one of the bank people linking it to the account, which was entertaining as it was so long since i set it up I'd forgotten all the pass words and stuff.


Legendary Member
Good morning. Sunny spells appear to be the order of the day.

Yesterday I woke at 2.50am and couldn't sleep. By 9.00pm I was wiped out, went to bed and slept till 6.20 this morning except for the obligatory pee. Have to say I rather like @classic33's idea on being an early waker. I would though settle for 6.30 most days.

So several minor decorating related jobs today, don't these take up so much time?
  • Move router and Sonos bridge to behind the TV to hide them better
  • Move phone and answer phone to back room tio hide this better - love playing find the phone when it rings!!!!
  • Tidy all TV/Sonos/Router/Digi box/etc. cables
  • Fix a blanking plate over the aerial cable which runs across the room under the floor and pops up in a far corner. Installed this years ago as Mrs P thought we might want to move the telly one day. :sighs: :blush:
  • Move book case outside/sand down/paint and hopefully reinstall today
  • Squeaky floor board to fix - Geez I hate those
Onions need harvesting but really also need 2-3 days of sun to dry off afterwards. Forecast for Friday is iffy but full on sunshine for the weekend.
And what will you do after 1100??
Morning all, cool and grey here, rain forecast soon.

Have been enjoying the Eurosport cycling the last 2 days, the Bretagne Classic and the European Champs, both from Plouay. Cracking racing and the roads, rivers and villages look gorgeous, so picture postcard perfect that they look like a model village from the aerial shots. Today’s viewing will be the European champs womens race. I record them live but can’t watch until the evening because I have to wait for Mrs F to finish work, she wants to watch them too.


Right.......I have had my bloods taken. They took 3 full phials, one them specifically to look for Covid symptoms......that will be completed by next Wednesday. I explained my symptoms and she said they are all typical of people who have had Covid. Obviously she is not qualified to diagnose and there is a week of testing ahead but that is interesting
I know several people, including Mrs P, who are convinced they had Covid-19 late December/early January. I know them all well, they aren't drama queens, and were all VERY poorly. Another's GP said to her only last week she was typical of those who have had Covid-19. I'm 100% it was here long before anyone knew what to look for.
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Went for a quick spin around the block to test out the new gear shifter on the Brommie and all is well.
I've postponed any further shed clearance as it's going to be a busy few days with a run followed by a picnic in the park this evening, phone appointment with my consultant tomorrow, and getting the holiday stuff parcelled up for collection by courier the following day.
Nearly there, photo as requested

View attachment 543802
Note subtle and discreet placement of trophies................:laugh:
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