The Retirement Thread

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Deleted member 1258

I know several people, including Mrs P, who are convined they had Covid-19 late December/early January. I know them all well, they aren't drama queens, and were all VERY poorly. Another's GP said to her only last week she was typical of those who have had Covid-19. I'm 100% it was here long before anyone knew what to look for.

There was something nasty going round here November time, and again just after Xmas, it wasn't the usual winter cold/flue infections, a number of people, including my son recon it was covid.


That's only on the 1st of every other month.
With a Q in it......................


Waking up at 0300 means I need a pee.
Waking up at 0500 means I have wet the bed :wacko:.
We are in town this morning. MrsD is having her hair done. I am parting with a load of cash for my new specs. Can't really complain as I have had this pair many years. Vision has not changed a lot but I find small print is getting smaller.
Rain due in by 1300 so will hopefully miss it.
Glasses on the right way round?


Legendary Member
Waking up between 3am to 5am is a spiritual sign that you are inter connected with the universe.

From 3 am to 5 am is a spiritual time where spiritual activities are in high. In other words the universe considers your worthiness to be part of his spiritual journey.

Our body uses our internal clock system which always works with the universal clock. If you are tuned to your internal body clock, you are tuned to the universal clock.

3am is the hour when we’re at our purest. If you want to get to someone’s soul, get them to talk at 3am.

Waking up between 3am to 5am could be a Spiritual Sign from the Universe.

For some, waking up at this time is an indicator that the universe is trying to direct your attention towards messages that relate to your higher purpose.

I’ll stick with my full eight hours


Apologies, I see to have been a touch prolific this morning but had a fun time catching up with you lot while I ate my porridge. Apologies to @pawl for repeating the month quip - I've been told off elsewhere for failing to read an entire thread before responding. Wrists slapped and I will try to do better........NB "try"

Now I'm reliably informed one of our number who lives in Cheshire has been casting aspersions towards a resident of Chorley. I've consulted with said resident who informs me he in fact lives almost exactly bewteen the glamorous Lancashire locations of Chorley and Blackburn. However most of his cycle rides take him in the general direction of Preston before heading out in to the glorious Lancashire countryside.............................hmmmmmmm :whistle:


Legendary Member
Apologies, I see to have been a touch prolific this morning but had a fun time catching up with you lot while I ate my porridge. Apologies to @pawl for repeating the month quip - I've been told off elsewhere for failing to read an entire thread before responding. Wrists slapped and I will try to do better........NB "try"

Now I'm reliably informed one of our number who lives in Cheshire has been casting aspersions towards a resident of Chorley. I've consulted with said resident who informs me he in fact lives almost exactly bewteen the glamorous Lancashire locations of Chorley and Blackburn. However most of his cycle rides take him in the general direction of Preston before heading out in to the glorious Lancashire countryside.............................hmmmmmmm :whistle:

No apology needed 👍👍👍 I’ve done it myself in the past☹️☹️☹️

Deleted member 1258

I’ll stick with my full eight hours

I can't remember the last time I got 8 hours sleep, if I'm not woken by my bladder shouting empty me its my back complaining or the hip I'm laying on complaining and telling me I've been laying on it too long.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Yesterday started wet and miserable but by midday had cleared up nice and sunny with no wind so got the Bike Friday out to see if I could still ride it since I have been off 2 wheels for a long time. The legs certainly told me so anyway so will have to make more effort to get out on 2 rather than 3 wheels for a while.
Today looked out early and just went back to bed.
Forecast for tomorrow looks promising.
Now waiting on a phone call from a physio. How do you consult with a physio by phone? This is just a follow up and since I have been mostly doing the exercises I can answer honestly. Most patients I am told give up on the exercises after about day one.


Legendary Member
Yesterday started wet and miserable but by midday had cleared up nice and sunny with no wind so got the Bike Friday out to see if I could still ride it since I have been off 2 wheels for a long time. The legs certainly told me so anyway so will have to make more effort to get out on 2 rather than 3 wheels for a while.
Today looked out early and just went back to bed.
Forecast for tomorrow looks promising.
Now waiting on a phone call from a physio. How do you consult with a physio by phone? This is just a follow up and since I have been mostly doing the exercises I can answer honestly. Most patients I am told give up on the exercises after about day one.
This is my problem........I have no stickability for keeping doing exercises and stretches. I just want someone to fix me and not put in the work myself, but that won't happen.


If 6 Was 9
I can't remember the last time I got 8 hours sleep, if I'm not woken by my bladder shouting empty me its my back complaining or the hip I'm laying on complaining and telling me I've been laying on it too long.
I generally sleep straight through for around 8 hours, but then I've always been able to sleep anywhere, under any conditions at the drop of a hat. Very advantageous in my former life. ;)


Note subtle and discreet placement of trophies................:laugh:

Not mine, Mrs Tenkays.

She was going to chuck them all out when we last had a clearcut of various cupboards but I rescued them and cleared a shelf in the shed to put them on. Strangest one was when we went to Portugal to do the Lisbon 1/2. We were on the coach afterwards waiting to go back to the Hotel when a chap got on asking for someone, eventually realised that it was Mrs Tenkay. Apparently she'd won her age category and they presented her with a humungous trophy. ( they do like awarding large trophies in races on the continent )

Probably my most pleasant running experiences came after running the Cherbourg Marathon in 92. It was a tad warm that day but I had my running head on and ran quite well. Shortly after I crossed the finishing line I was led away into a tent where two attractive French Mademoiselles massaged my legs ^_^ That was followed by a Civic reception with a seemingly endless supply of wine...
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