The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Now as you know I am not one to cause trouble BUT.......
looking at the North West news I see a pattern emerging.
We have a member that lives in Chorley, part of Lancashire, Blackburn etc.
Whenever this member (I won't mention his name) goes on a ride there is a spike in Covid cases.
Today he cancelled his ride and immediately parts of Blackburn have lifted lockdown.
As I say, I refuse to mention his name but PaulSB must surely be aware of this :rolleyes:

Deleted member 1258

Went for a quick spin around the block to test out the new gear shifter on the Brommie and all is well.
I've postponed any further shed clearance as it's going to be a busy few days with a run followed by a picnic in the park this evening, phone appointment with my consultant tomorrow, and getting the holiday stuff parcelled up for collection by courier the following day.
Nearly there, photo as requested

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Your shed looks worse than mine, though your workmate looks in better condition than mine.

Deleted member 1258

The kids are all in their 40's now, but a venture into the loft reveals that there are boxes of their stuff in "temporary" storage :smile:

The trouble I've got with my shed is that when we moved in, about twelve years ago, a load of boxes were chucked in the shed and are still there, but no one in the family will let me have a sort out and clear it out and I'm stuck with it.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Well I'd like to say Good Morning but..........wind still howling and raining.

I've pulled out of the ride with the result two others have said the same based on my decision. Wish they'd made their own choice to be honest about it. Feel bad about this. Been awake since 2.50 wondering what to do.

The other four are driving to the meet point and will decide there. Forecast at meet point is 96% chance of rain at 6.00 declining to 63% at 8.00. I feel it's too dangerous. As I told everyone I wouldn't ride locally so won't consider the very, very rural roads on the planned route.
Good decision. That is far too long, hard and remote a route to mess about with! In good weather, a splendid day out; in less than perfect conditions it would be horrid...

I had excellent conditions when I did my Park Rash ride - dry**, warm NOT hot, and a cooling breeze but NOT windy.

PS ** Actually, I just remembered that it rained for the steep descent of Lofthouse into Nidderdale, which was quite scary, but otherwise dry conditions.
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Leg End Member
Waking up between 3am to 5am is a spiritual sign that you are inter connected with the universe.

From 3 am to 5 am is a spiritual time where spiritual activities are in high. In other words the universe considers your worthiness to be part of his spiritual journey.

Our body uses our internal clock system which always works with the universal clock. If you are tuned to your internal body clock, you are tuned to the universal clock.

3am is the hour when we’re at our purest. If you want to get to someone’s soul, get them to talk at 3am.

Waking up between 3am to 5am could be a Spiritual Sign from the Universe.

For some, waking up at this time is an indicator that the universe is trying to direct your attention towards messages that relate to your higher purpose.


Casper WY USA
Waking up between three and five means a whiz is in order.
I'd have to disagree with the Groundhog day approach. I might miss the lovely pictures of your green and verdant land if I skipped some pages. The sunset a few pages back was amazing. I also like the food pics since we apparently eat differently. Well, I don't know how you eat, but I meant what you eat.


Legendary Member
Personally, I think waking between 3 and 5 just indicates chronic insomnia! :laugh:

I am up and dressed. We have rain forecast sometime around or shortly after 8am so I might just stick the lights on the hybrid and try and grab an hour or two before it arrives. It has mudguards if it does start early.


Good morning fellow retirees,

A lovely post run picnic in the park yesterday evening. We sat on the Cricket green watching a group of youngsters having an impromptu game. I'm worn out by the grandaughters new favourite pastime of grandad picking her up and spinning her around until she is dizzy, "again grandad, again!...

Phone consultation with my specialist at 11:00, I'll miss not seeing her face to face as she's a charming lady and we get on really well.
Then it's pack the holiday clothes/shoes to send to Embra before our journey up on Tuesday.
Have a lovely peaceful day folks ☔🚣‍♀️🏃‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚴‍♀️🏊‍♂️☔


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Taking doggie to the vets this morning for her annual jabs.

Waking up between 3am to 5am is a spiritual sign that you are inter connected with the universe.

From 3 am to 5 am is a spiritual time where spiritual activities are in high. In other words the universe considers your worthiness to be part of his spiritual journey.

Our body uses our internal clock system which always works with the universal clock. If you are tuned to your internal body clock, you are tuned to the universal clock.

3am is the hour when we’re at our purest. If you want to get to someone’s soul, get them to talk at 3am.

Waking up between 3am to 5am could be a Spiritual Sign from the Universe.

For some, waking up at this time is an indicator that the universe is trying to direct your attention towards messages that relate to your higher purpose.
New Age woo. :wacko:
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