The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Afternoon all. Just spend all morning filling in Lasting power of attorney forms . I now need to go for a walk to clear my head , as a have a stinking headache.
Hope everyone is having a better day than me 😀
Is this you taking POA or handing yours over to someone?
The 95 year old aunty wanted me to POA for her. I tried to talk her out of it as I am 73 and not the sharpest at these things.
She insisted she only trusted me.
She also insisted I use her solicitor who IMO have ripped her off big style.
6 months and its still not through.
Its at the last stage so maybe another 3 weeks.
Wouldn't mind but the old girl has never had an illness in her life and will probably outlive me :wacko:


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Once in a blue moon something exciting Drago changing his y fronts! :laugh:

I have only been retired for 12 years, so, have no experience of that being reported on here..... yet ;)


Legendary Member
Went for a quick spin around the block to test out the new gear shifter on the Brommie and all is well.
I've postponed any further shed clearance as it's going to be a busy few days with a run followed by a picnic in the park this evening, phone appointment with my consultant tomorrow, and getting the holiday stuff parcelled up for collection by courier the following day.
Nearly there, photo as requested

View attachment 543802
Oh sh*t.
And MrsD moans at me!!!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Went for a quick spin around the block to test out the new gear shifter on the Brommie and all is well.
I've postponed any further shed clearance as it's going to be a busy few days with a run followed by a picnic in the park this evening, phone appointment with my consultant tomorrow, and getting the holiday stuff parcelled up for collection by courier the following day.
Nearly there, photo as requested

View attachment 543802

That looks tidy compare to the shhhhht that Mr WD has crammed everywhere.


That looks tidy compare to the shhhhht that Mr WD has crammed everywhere.

It was neat and tidy less than a year ago. Then we had a bit of a change around and the stair gates / travel cot / other toddler paraphernalia ended up there when daughter and granddaughter moved to their own place. There's a small kitchen table that was going to be disposed of but I thought I could use it as a workbench and before you know it it's full up again :rolleyes:


It was neat and tidy less than a year ago. Then we had a bit of a change around and the stair gates / travel cot / other toddler paraphernalia ended up there when daughter and granddaughter moved to their own place. There's a small kitchen table that was going to be disposed of but I thought I could use it as a workbench and before you know it it's full up again :rolleyes:
The kids are all in their 40's now, but a venture into the loft reveals that there are boxes of their stuff in "temporary" storage :smile:


Legendary Member
Here is my cave
TBF......its just been repainted.
Part of the junk is in the hall and I am getting serious earache


Is this you taking POA or handing yours over to someone?
The 95 year old aunty wanted me to POA for her. I tried to talk her out of it as I am 73 and not the sharpest at these things.
She insisted she only trusted me.
She also insisted I use her solicitor who IMO have ripped her off big style.
6 months and its still not through.
Its at the last stage so maybe another 3 weeks.
Wouldn't mind but the old girl has never had an illness in her life and will probably outlive me :wacko:

Its me taking POA over my mother. She’s 86 and is just starting to show signs of memory loss , so it’s a case of getting this in place now.
TBH the two forms are fairly ease to follow and fill in and having the official guidance open on my iPad helps too. It’s just there are so many bits of paper to keep in order . I’ve got two piles of paper about 20 deep on the dining room table. Just got to get my mum and and an independent person to sign them and I can send them it. The registration should then take about 3 weeks.
It does take a bit of hassle and as you said, you can get a solicitor to do , but it does cost a lot more .
The two POA I am doing will cost me £164 in total. A solicitor would charge at least £600. One of the ones I contacted wanted to charge me £1000 😖


Legendary Member
Its me taking POA over my mother. She’s 86 and is just starting to show signs of memory loss , so it’s a case of getting this in place now.
TBH the two forms are fairly ease to follow and fill in and having the official guidance open on my iPad helps too. It’s just there are so many bits of paper to keep in order . I’ve got two piles of paper about 20 deep on the dining room table. Just got to get my mum and and an independent person to sign them and I can send them it. The registration should then take about 3 weeks.
It does take a bit of hassle and as you said, you can get a solicitor to do , but it does cost a lot more .
The two POA I am doing will cost me £164 in total. A solicitor would charge at least £600. One of the ones I contacted wanted to charge me £1000 😖
Yep...... this one is charging serious money and really p*ssing me about. Problem is the aunty has been with the practice over 40 years and insists.
Her money so I am going with her wishes.
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