The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Sadly, any time I’ve had a clear out, I haven’t found a bike I had forgotten about! :laugh:


Legendary Member
Fitted Breeze Blockers to my ebike this morning. I thinkmits going to be my go-to bike for winter. Riding back from town yesterday, into 40mph winds with 60mph gusts, and I still broke my record for that journey by 4 minutes, so it should handle winter with aplomb. That being the case, so knuckle shields to enable me to ride in mitts instead of gloves when it's sub zero are a sensible addition.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I have finally put the chain on my Roubaix, lubed each link and all the gears still work well. I shall take it out for a test drive maybe later today or later on in the week. No more LBS to do that for me from now on, it will save a few pounds and a trip there and back. :rolleyes:
I might even have a go at changing a cassette one day as I have the right tools for that too. ^_^


Legendary Member
Right.......I have had my bloods taken. They took 3 full phials, one them specifically to look for Covid symptoms......that will be completed by next Wednesday. I explained my symptoms and she said they are all typical of people who have had Covid. Obviously she is not qualified to diagnose and there is a week of testing ahead but that is interesting


Legendary Member
Afternoon all... Late on parade again! Had a nice walk with the dog this morning, and he had a great time playing chase with 3 other dogs, must have been for a good half hour while I chatted with the other owners. That's one of the best things about dog walking!
A bit too windy still for a bike ride, so continue clearing the garage out, haven't found any forgotten bikes yet. Although I found a pair of brand new Look pedals and the cleats. 🌈
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