The Retirement Thread

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Tomorrow's BIG ride is a GO. Pedals turning at 6.30 in Clitheroe. 134 miles through Lancashire, Yorkshire, Cumbria and back in to Lancashire. I don't know if I can achieve this but really, really want to.

Gonna be a group of 7, I know, I know, the plan is 1 mile on the front, 6 off and a steady pace all day. +/- 14,000 feet including Coal Road, Park Rash and Waddington Fell - Google is your friend. :eek:

Pray for me. We have friends on standby for rescue missions.
That's a tough route! The Coal Rd and Park Rash are especially hard work.

I'd heard rumours about Park Rash being an absolute killer so I cycled up there from Hebden Bridge in 2006 to check it out. The only reason that I managed to get up the climb without stopping was that I encountered a family parked at the side of road just when I was about to jump off. The small children got very excited and they all started cheering me on, so I felt that I couldn't wimp out! :laugh: I thought Coverdale was absolutely lovely. I really must go over there again one day.

My ride was slightly easier - 125 miles and about 12,500 ft of climbing. A pretty demanding solo effort though... Good luck with your ride!


@ColinJ Coal Road and Park Rash are new climbs for me. I'm with six friends so that's six reasons not to get off!!! 😂


If 6 Was 9
Tonight's sunset at Ilfracombe.



Puzzle game procrastinator!
@ColinJ Coal Road and Park Rash are new climbs for me. I'm with six friends so that's six reasons not to get off!!! 😂
Muhaha...!!!! :eek:


The maps/profiles are not to the same scale. Park Rash looks a lot easier there but I had to scrunch the Coal Rd profile up to get it to fit.

(Coal Rd from the slightly easier north side.)


Well I'd like to say Good Morning but..........wind still howling and raining.

I've pulled out of the ride with the result two others have said the same based on my decision. Wish they'd made their own choice to be honest about it. Feel bad about this. Been awake since 2.50 wondering what to do.

The other four are driving to the meet point and will decide there. Forecast at meet point is 96% chance of rain at 6.00 declining to 63% at 8.00. I feel it's too dangerous. As I told everyone I wouldn't ride locally so won't consider the very, very rural roads on the planned route.
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Legendary Member
Well I'd like to say Good Morning but..........wind still howling and raining.

I've pulled out of the ride with the result two others have said the same based on my decision. Wish they'd made their own choice to be honest about it. Feel bad about this. Been awake since 2.50 wondering what to do.

The other four are driving to the meet point and will decide there. Forecast at meet point is 96% chance of rain at 6.00 declining to 63% at 8.00. I feel it's too dangerous. As I told everyone I wouldn't ride locally so won't consider the very, very rural roads on the planned route.
Sounds like a wise the end of the day, our cycling is supposed to be fun, enjoyable and safe.

Still overcast and drizzly here. A walk will do me just now and see what it's like later. Just be nice to get out for some fresh air after feeling cooped up all day yesterday.


Legendary Member
Well I'd like to say Good Morning but..........wind still howling and raining.

I've pulled out of the ride with the result two others have said the same based on my decision. Wish they'd made their own choice to be honest about it. Feel bad about this. Been awake since 2.50 wondering what to do.

The other four are driving to the meet point and will decide there. Forecast at meet point is 96% chance of rain at 6.00 declining to 63% at 8.00. I feel it's too dangerous. As I told everyone I wouldn't ride locally so won't consider the very, very rural roads on the planned route.

Sounds very sensible to me, not a lot going on here today may be a little website work on my pension providing business site.


Started young, and still going.
Morning all.
It's a windy day in Greendale, but sunny.
It was a bit like a butchers downstairs first thing. Harry, the big tabby had caught a wood pigeon and bought it back in overnight. Feathers and gore by the back door in the kitchen when MrsP went down to make the tea and feed the animals :ohmy:.
Harry can only just fit through the cat flap, let alone with a pigeon. The door mat and a couple of towels are now in the wash, and I will wash the floor later.

Breakfast soon and then out with the dog for a while , I think it is a tad too windy for a ride today.
Stay safe everyone.
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