The Retirement Thread

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I’ve never removed the packing grease that a chain is supplied in. I have always disregarded the directions on certain types of lube that this must be done in order to allow the lube to fully contact the metal. However, I do always apply lube to a new chain ever since the days of the old Sedis chains back in the 80’s. These were my go to choice of chain in those days and even on a dry day they definitely needed lube, or oil as we used to call it then :smile:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
The wind is really picking up now. Getting a little hairy.:ohmy:


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
Shouldn’t have cleaned off the grease that it comes with. It’s way better than any subsequent oil. Makes them slippy to work with right enough.

If we assume that the grease the chain comes with from the factory lasts for say, 5% of the lifetime of the chain, and that it prevents absolutely any wear during that time, then even if you clean it all off when you get the bike, your chain will still last 95% of the theoretical maximum life.

Doesn't seem worth worrying about to me.


Morning all, I will be giving the bike a miss today :rain:

Yesterday Mrs F hooked the telly up to some new (to us) form of digital thingy, she’d bought virtual tickets from Runrig’s Bruce Guthro in Canada for a live Runrig-themed virtual concert he was staging from his home, hooked up over Zoom I think to Runrig’s Iain Bayne and also to the lead singers of Skippinish and Skerryvore, all in their own homes here in Scotland. It was performed and went out live on the internet in our early hours of Sunday morning, no doubt much to the annoyance of the Scottish performers’ neighbours. It was great to hear some of the old songs again and to hear some of the old tales. I was left wondering if they could do something as complicated as that then why can’t The Archers ?
Is there somewhere I can still see this? Big Runrig fan but didn't know about this event.


Leg End Member
Well, I still have not done that chain as I struggled all afternoon with the oven door. One hole refuses to line up but I will make it line up come what may. Done one side but the other side is very stubborn. I can put the screw in when on its own but when I put it through the part it secures, it won't. :cursing:
Chain will be done tomorrow I say.:whistle:
Are you tightening the screws up before all are in place.
The other being is the piece being refitted the same way round.


I'm with @Mo1959 in the big chain debate. Just started lubing my new one after +/- 300 miles - well I've had it for two weeks.
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