The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Morning all, looks like an indoor kind of day today.
Raining nicely and the wind is picking up.
Out with the dog soon and then we shall dry off and catch up with some domestics and watch the iplayer to catch up on some programs I've missed.
Another day in paradise. 🤣
You'll wash he dries, and he'll do the folding whilst you do the ironing?


Legendary Member
That's what I call cheap shopping.
I mentioned a while ago that a couple near us put tables out with 'free food'. Its all ex supermarkets eg M&S and all end of sell by.
Just going past as they were putting the tables out so I pulled up.
Red potatoes (2 bags)
M&S crusty sliced loaf
Red pepper (should have taken 2).
He wanted me to take more. He said, if you don't take them they go to land fill.
Pity they had no out of date malt whisky ^_^
Back from a 7 mile walk in the rain, its a dreich old day that’s for sure. Fortunately I’m getting my whisky delivery this afternoon :smile:


Casper WY USA
The good news is my wife's cancer markers have gone down quite a bit with her new meds. The bad news is her white blood cell count has too. This regimen is 3 weeks on 1 off but the Dr says another week off and then blood tests to decide what is next. Don't like the weakened immune system one little bit especially in this time of Covid. Perhaps we'll go up on the mountain this afternoon so she can get in some of what the Japanese call "forest bathing". It always seem s to grant a little serenity. And, today is one of the three weekly farmers markets at which she can BS with her buds. Gotta take the joy when and where you can find it.
Recently returned my SA 3 speeds to my Surly Steamroller and my Brompton and now my Holdsworth Special is a pretty light single speed. I know the 20 or so miles of bike paths in my little town like the back of my hand and if I can't go on new rides I can ride on new versions of my old bikes. Kind of a treat. It has been in the mid 30sC with little wind but lots of smoke. Today will also be hot but windy with the wind removing most of the smoke. Good day for a ride, because at least the air is clean.
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