Puzzle game procrastinator!
- Location
- Todmorden - Yorks/Lancs border
Some people make the bad mistake of deliberately removing this superior lubricant. Don’t do this!
The factory lubricant all by itself is usually good for several hundred miles of service if the bike is not ridden in wet or dusty conditions. It is best not to apply any sort of lube to a new chain until it is clearly needed, because any wet lube you can apply will dilute the factory lube.
Aha - I see that I have been called in...What does @ColinJ think of it?

I have been jealously ignoring the retirement thread up until now since I am not yet officially retired, but the countdown has started! I have a blackboard in my kitchen and have written on it how much time and/or money I need to retire - 72 weeks or £12,500, whichever comes first! I update it every Friday and it is pleasing to see how quickly it is ticking down, probably helped by the wretched coronavirus situation which is turning this into a non-year which seems to be flying by...
I have a suspicion that I will finally finish some of the games apps that I have been working on and start earning some money AFTER I retire and I no longer really need it. Still, that would mean that I could enjoy a less frugal existence in my dotage. I checked the figures a few days ago and last year I got by on less than 50% of what I did in 1999 and it is getting boring having to be so careful with cash! For example, I don't like having to shop around to save £2 on a tyre when I am already buying ones that are much cheaper than what I would choose if I had more money.
Anyway, back to new chains... Perhaps there is some subtle reason why @gavroche thinks that I am an expert on them? I used to degrease and lube them but then read the advice that it was a mistake and stopped doing it. Sure enough, unlubed new chains seem to work pretty well for hundreds of kms/miles so I don't bother with lube now until a chain looks or sounds like it needs it.