The Retirement Thread

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Good morning fellow retirees,

It's a tad wet and blowy out there this morning. I was considering going for a run but will jump on the turbo instead.
Later on I'll be fitting a new rear dynamo light for my Orange Brommie, the new one has an off switch which the current one doesn't.

Have a lovely peaceful day folks, ☔🚶‍♀️🏃‍♂️☔🚣‍♀️🧜‍♀️

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Good morning. Not as bad a night as I was expecting. It rained of course and still is but the wind failed to arrive. Of course that could change any minute.

Wet and dark here and it can get worse o suppose. Stay safe folks.:hello:


Legendary Member
Yep. The weather Men people got it right for a change, its lashing down and windy.
I woke late (for me) at 06.45.......I tend to wake at whatever time it gets light. Went to the bog, fully intending to go back to bed. But here I am so that plan didn't work:rolleyes:.
I have just one errand to do......sort the aunties pension out. Then I will curl up with another John Grisham book.


Started young, and still going.
Morning all, looks like an indoor kind of day today.
Raining nicely and the wind is picking up.
Out with the dog soon and then we shall dry off and catch up with some domestics and watch the iplayer to catch up on some programs I've missed.
Another day in paradise. 🤣
Morning all, I will be giving the bike a miss today :rain:

Yesterday Mrs F hooked the telly up to some new (to us) form of digital thingy, she’d bought virtual tickets from Runrig’s Bruce Guthro in Canada for a live Runrig-themed virtual concert he was staging from his home, hooked up over Zoom I think to Runrig’s Iain Bayne and also to the lead singers of Skippinish and Skerryvore, all in their own homes here in Scotland. It was performed and went out live on the internet in our early hours of Sunday morning, no doubt much to the annoyance of the Scottish performers’ neighbours. It was great to hear some of the old songs again and to hear some of the old tales. I was left wondering if they could do something as complicated as that then why can’t The Archers ?

Juan Kog

permanently grumpy
Weather here is grim, will venture out to the Velo cave soon for some tool polishing and rearranging. May even do some bike maintenance. In meantime checking out the latest thoughts and musings of that great original thinker and philosopher, Drago . [EDIT] just seen above ,revised plan , velo cave with my Runrig cd’s very loud.
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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Good morning every body. Very wet here but no wind. I think I will put that new chain on my bike today. I just got it out of the package yesterday and cleaned all the protective stuff that covered it. It is also a few links too long so I will have to adjust that too. It is a Sram chain by the way, secured with quick links. The internal glass on the oven door has gone loose too so I will have to have a look at that.
Have a good lazy day every one.


Legendary Member
Good morning every body. Very wet here but no wind. I think I will put that new chain on my bike today. I just got it out of the package yesterday and cleaned all the protective stuff that covered it. It is also a few links too long so I will have to adjust that too. It is a Sram chain by the way, secured with quick links. The internal glass on the oven door has gone loose too so I will have to have a look at that.
Have a good lazy day every one.
Shouldn’t have cleaned off the grease that it comes with. It’s way better than any subsequent oil. Makes them slippy to work with right enough.
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