The Retirement Thread

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Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Our bl**dy Doctors surgery.
They are good but implemented a ridiculous on line system for repeat prescriptions.
It used to be so simple. I would go in once every 8 weeks, fill out a form and next day go to the chemist and collect.
You were issued a password and code to do it online.
It never worked so you ended up up phoning them.......they would try and fail so had to resort to the old fashioned method.
This weekend..... new password etc.....same failure.
Phoned this morning to be told "oh we scrapped that stupid system, will do it for you. You can collect from 1400 today"

Interesting. At our Doctor's Surgery, they had a scheme of repeat prescriptions.

No need to ask, they just produced a prescription every 28 (or 56) days, which you collected from surgery, took to pharmacy etc

This was then updated to, prescription sent to pharmacy of your choice, electronically (trees said thank you), Pharmacy send you a a text, when prescription ready to collect, or, optionally, deliver it to you (FoC, I think, I don't use this service).

For some reason, the latter scheme appears to have been dropped (if you were "on" the scheme, it continues, but, no new patients). Patients must now order their Prescription online. There is a rather neat App, which makes this straightforward, if you have a smartphone. Quite how the smartphoneless, or, less computer literate manage, I have no idea.

If it is relevant, our Surgery uses the EMIS system.

Basic problem (IMHO), is, they appear to have forgotten that the "S" in NHS, stands for Service.


Active Member
Interesting. At our Doctor's Surgery, they had a scheme of repeat prescriptions.......

When I tried to get my prescriptions delivered during lockdown I had to register with a mobile 'phone number. Have emergency one in the car but no coverage here at home. 'Phoned favourite doctor and she told me the local pharmacy (Co-op of course) wasn't accepting any more delivery patients anyway, try a pharmacy in a village 6 miles away. Phoned them, happy to deliver, how do I get the prescription to you? Don't worry about that we'll arrange it with your doctor, just 'phone us a few days before you need more, our driver will drop them off he used to work near your village. Have since found the pharmacy is a private group of five, the other four are across the border in Scotland. Almost every time I pass the Co-op pharmacy there is a queue outside.


Afternoon all. Hope everyone is enjoying to day and getting everything tied down ready for tomorrow. Mrs exlaser did some studying this morning and wanted me to go out on a ride with her, but I am still not feeling the love for cycling if it goes on like this , I will end up selling my bikes.
So we ended up going to Kingsbury water park for walk , it was lovely and we even managed to fit in an ice cream too lol


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Strange old day.Tired first thing,not sleeping well due to massive antibiotic pills.It's one of many side effects,also feeling low,again a side effect.So had a silly head on today,I could not be bothered going out cycling and what a wonderful day i have missed.But a four mile walk with Mrs P and Miss P has bucked me up.Around Eccup res.Pills are for a swelling in the man bits.Doc has booked me in for a hospital scan.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Afternoon all. Hope everyone is enjoying to day and getting everything tied down ready for tomorrow. Mrs exlaser did some studying this morning and wanted me to go out on a ride with her, but I am still not feeling the love for cycling if it goes on like this , I will end up selling my bikes.
So we ended up going to Kingsbury water park for walk , it was lovely and we even managed to fit in an ice cream too lol

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View attachment 543489

We have been there many many times. We used to go fishing there. Nice place.


If 6 Was 9
Once again I show my ignorance.
What is an echo app and how would it help me?
Download the Echo Pharmacy app from Google Play Store.
Register on the app and fill in your details.
They remind you when you are running low and when to reorder.
You click reorder on the app and they post it directly to you.
Very quick, trouble free and efficient service.
Oh, and it's free. :okay:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Download the Echo Pharmacy app from Google Play Store.
Register on the app and fill in your details.
They remind you when you are running low and when to reorder.
You click reorder on the app and they post it directly to you.
Very quick, trouble free and efficient service.
Oh, and it's free. :okay:

We can't get that in Wales. The Drs don't do it here.
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