Our bl**dy Doctors surgery.
They are good but implemented a ridiculous on line system for repeat prescriptions.
It used to be so simple. I would go in once every 8 weeks, fill out a form and next day go to the chemist and collect.
You were issued a password and code to do it online.
It never worked so you ended up up phoning them.......they would try and fail so had to resort to the old fashioned method.
This weekend..... new password etc.....same failure.
Phoned this morning to be told "oh we scrapped that stupid system, will do it for you. You can collect from 1400 today"

Interesting. At our Doctor's Surgery, they had a scheme of repeat prescriptions.
No need to ask, they just produced a prescription every 28 (or 56) days, which you collected from surgery, took to pharmacy etc
This was then updated to, prescription sent to pharmacy of your choice, electronically (trees said thank you), Pharmacy send you a a text, when prescription ready to collect, or, optionally, deliver it to you (FoC, I think, I don't use this service).
For some reason, the latter scheme appears to have been dropped (if you were "on" the scheme, it continues, but, no new patients). Patients must now order their Prescription online. There is a rather neat App, which makes this straightforward, if you have a smartphone. Quite how the smartphoneless, or, less computer literate manage, I have no idea.
If it is relevant, our Surgery uses the EMIS system.
Basic problem (IMHO), is, they appear to have forgotten that the "S" in NHS, stands for Service.