The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Our bl**dy Doctors surgery.
They are good but implemented a ridiculous on line system for repeat prescriptions.
It used to be so simple. I would go in once every 8 weeks, fill out a form and next day go to the chemist and collect.
You were issued a password and code to do it online.
It never worked so you ended up up phoning them.......they would try and fail so had to resort to the old fashioned method.
This weekend..... new password etc.....same failure.
Phoned this morning to be told "oh we scrapped that stupid system, will do it for you. You can collect from 1400 today"


Walked into the phlebotomy clinic and was seen within 5 minutes. I was thinking that it would be a new record for in and out.

The nurse was scratching her head about some of the tests and disappeared for a few minutes before returning. Unfortunately despite much poking and prodding she couldn't find a vein in my left arm so switched to the right.
All sorted eventually and now it's breakfast time 😁


Legendary Member
Walked into the phlebotomy clinic and was seen within 5 minutes. I was thinking that it would be a new record for in and out.

The nurse was scratching her head about some of the tests and disappeared for a few minutes before returning. Unfortunately despite much poking and prodding she couldn't find a vein in my left arm so switched to the right.
All sorted eventually and now it's breakfast time 😁
My turn on Wednesday :rolleyes:
I had to phone for an appointment and have to turn up 5 minutes before the time given.

Deleted member 1258

Countryfile was wrong.......I got soaked! :laugh:

Took it nice and easy and enjoyed it apart from getting soaked through and a bit cold.

Just before I left this morning it clouded over and went very dark and I was thinking my ride could be over before it got going, but by the time I had crossed Coventry the sun was out and was nice and bright, and it stayed that way all the way to Wellesbourne. I'm now sat in the cafe with a coffee and a teacake.


Walked into the phlebotomy clinic and was seen within 5 minutes. I was thinking that it would be a new record for in and out.

The nurse was scratching her head about some of the tests and disappeared for a few minutes before returning. Unfortunately despite much poking and prodding she couldn't find a vein in my left arm so switched to the right.
All sorted eventually and now it's breakfast time 😁
My dear friend,you will not have such problems next time,just call me ha ha.


If 6 Was 9
Our bl**dy Doctors surgery.
They are good but implemented a ridiculous on line system for repeat prescriptions.
It used to be so simple. I would go in once every 8 weeks, fill out a form and next day go to the chemist and collect.
You were issued a password and code to do it online.
It never worked so you ended up up phoning them.......they would try and fail so had to resort to the old fashioned method.
This weekend..... new password etc.....same failure.
Phoned this morning to be told "oh we scrapped that stupid system, will do it for you. You can collect from 1400 today"
Use the 'Echo' app.
So much easier. :okay:


Casper WY USA
This supposed to be the last day of the Big Smoke. Around 35 C for the last week and windless. Thankfully we have central air so the house has been closed up so as to avoid breathing the smoke. There is a promise of rain and 21C temps by weekend. The tomatoes love this and I've been giving them the slicers away. We'll soon have enough Roma type to make a gallon of spaghetti sauce. Looks like we may get enough Concord grapees to make some jam. They, like the tomatoes, are so much more flavorful than storebought.
Like a fool I hooked my Element's front bumper on someone's trailer hitch and am taking it in this am for a new one. My Brompton will fit in nicely in the back so there will be a nice ride home in the relatively cool morning. I really should drive better......
Mo, I hope your foot pains abate...Perhaps some different types of exercise for a bit would be helpful.
Dave7, good to know you will finally get some bloodwork done and hopefully some answers re your fatigue. This Covid is such a PITA in so many ways.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Back from a 30 mile ride. Lots of people on the beach in LLandudno and Colwyn Bay. My new chain has arrived too so I will go in my shed and see what I can do before going to the tip at 3.30. Ok, I have checked my post and there should be nothing for anyone to comment on this time. ^_^ :whistle:
Speak to you later. :hello:

Deleted member 1258

I got back about one having ridden 54 miles, an excellent morning out on my bike. Rode out through Balsall Common, then through Hatton before I turned left to cross the Henley Rd and ride into Norton Lindsey, the other side of the village I turned left and rode up the lane to turn right on to the A46 and rode a couple of hundred yards before I turned left to cross the Stratford road and drop down into Hampton Lucy, the road I usually use was closed so I had to turn right then left to use the other road, turned right past Charlecote House, then over the bridge and then turned left into Wellesbourne and onto The Sandwich Delli for my coffee stop. For the return trip I just followed my route out in reverse. A bright and breezy morning that kept going dark and light as the dark clouds rolled through, but it stayed dry the entire ride.
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