The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Night all.
Towing back up the North Cornish coast road tomorrow morning after we've had a lie in.

Enjoy the drive, mid afternoon.


Legendary Member
Morning. After a horrible afternoon and evening of stabbing nerve pains in my foot, they disappeared so got a few hours kip. Not sure whether to have an early bimble again or not. It will be a very gentle one if I do. The old body is feeling a bit wrecked these days.

We have heavy rain forecast tomorrow so feel I should make the effort to get out today.


Legendary Member
Morning everyone, a few dents today at a place I enjoy going to as they are a great bunch of guys, followed by an afternoon of I do not know what, there will though be some kind of exercise session at some point in the day as I am feeling more motivated.


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all fellow members.
A grey start to the day here.
The second mug of tea is being drunk and I am contemplating the day.
Our son, 32, turned up late last night as he had been out but lost his mask so no taxi would pick him up. He is asleep in the spare bedroom.
I have the dog to walk as normal and next doors cats to feed, as the owners are away.
As the weather is not favourable for the next few days so bicycle TLC will be taking place
New gear and brake levers and handlebar tape for the touring bike , and a general clean up.
Should keep me busy for a while.^_^

Deleted member 1258

:hello: Good morning folks


Good morning fellow retirees,

Decided that a walk to the hospital for my blood tests appointment will be better than the bus. Only 3 miles, nothing like @Mo1959 epic adventures!
Heading into Poole afterwards for breakfast, there's a few bits and bobs we need so I'll wander into Wilko if it's not too crowded with bloody pensioners 😉

Have a lovely peaceful day folks


Legendary Member
Morning. After a horrible afternoon and evening of stabbing nerve pains in my foot, they disappeared so got a few hours kip. Not sure whether to have an early bimble again or not. It will be a very gentle one if I do. The old body is feeling a bit wrecked these days.

We have heavy rain forecast tomorrow so feel I should make the effort to get out today.
Mo.......sometimes you need to listen to your body. Even the best athletes have rest periods.
Stay well.


Legendary Member
Morning all and a BIG ^_^ to each and every one.
A pleasant morning here before tomorrows thunder storms arrive.
We are debating a walk.
Not a Mo type walk. There is an area south of town called Walton**. Its nice and rural and has large golf course. We will have a drive out and a ramble.
**we were going to live there but found we were just one million pound short.
You know the golf supplies company.....American Golf. The guy who started the UK franchise has a large new property a place where planning was banned......."go figure" as they say.


If 6 Was 9
Morning all :hello:

Found out yesterday that the people who own this caravan site we are on in Cornwall used to live 3 miles away from us in Worcestershire.
They knew our old house, when I described it to them.
They moved to Cornwall the same year we moved to Devon.
Small world, ain't it?
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