The Retirement Thread

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Deleted member 1258

We have Son and Granddaughter here this morning, Stepson will be up later.


welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
What if you don't like chocolate :rolleyes:

Other items are available :laugh:


Legendary Member
Late on parade...... so sorry :sad:
Fell asleep on the couch, crawled into bed at midnight and slept till 08.30.
We both ate much better yesterday and are feeling stronger today........probably means earache for me :rolleyes:.
Very overcast with rain on and off all day.
Strange but we have decided breakfast will be corn on the cob with butter and pepper


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Regarding the ubiquitous zucchini (What we call courgettes...I always thought courgettes were female little dogs beloved by your queen.) Here they are shredded and incorporated into cake like bread, like carrot cake or banana bread. Another solution is to cut them into coin shapes, dip in egg and then crust with Panko or whatever bread crumbs you like, and bake until a crunchy crust ensues. Very can almost forget there's a zook in there.

I agree, that is a very pleasant way to eat them. Had them cooked that way many years ago (mid 1990's) when visiting USSR on business trip. They also did Aubergines in a similar way.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
I just read an article that made the terrible interest rates seem even more awful if that's possible.

If you have £50,000 in savings, at the current rate of 0.01%, after 1 year you will earn enough interest to buy a bar of chocolate costing the grand sum of £5.00. If you have £85,000 then you would earn £8.50. :ohmy:

Depressing thought.

Looking on the bright side, in my local ASDA supermarket, a bar of chocolate is "only" £1, so, I suppose, I could pig-out on 5 bars a YEAR.

Withdrawal symptoms just thinking about it! ;)


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
I am back. A pleasant 39 miles through Comrie, St Fillans and a loop round Loch Earn which will mean absolutely nothing if you don't know the area. Lol.

Brings back memories - I learned to sail at Ardtrostan.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Overcast but not windy and still dry although forecast is for drizzle. Could not be bothered going out early so just continued with chores plus eye treatment and exercises for physio. She will phone me this week so cannot admit to having not done them much.
I am still part owner of a small boat which my ex dive buddy keeps at his croft. He no longer has animals but lets some others graze beasts from time to time to keep the grass down. Last week he had cattle which knocked the boat over and we have to right it somehow and wrestle it on to a standby trailer as the original one has terminal rust. It has not been used for a couple of years as I sublet my mooring to somebody with a better boat which we have use of in return.
Crofts here frequently have no dwelling on them as the owner lives in the town which is not a common situation elsewhere. Some have more animals than land and any free bits of ground get appropriated for grazing. My buddy gives use of his spare land to various people on a short term basis which seems to suit everybody and the land is still in useful occupation.


Legendary Member
Can I burden you with another question. This one is in your field but I only want an opinion and promise not to sue :rolleyes:.
We decided?? to plant trailing pansies for winter.
The TV magazine has a full page and from a supplier called The claim is you can plant in September and they will flower till June.
I was a bit concerned so googled reviews of the company.
Of the 1st 25 reviews 24 were dreadful. Most said 90% of plants recieved were dead.
I phoned Bents and they a) will not have winter plants till Sept/Oct and b) have no idea what they will be able to get.
I would just appreciate your thoughts.


Legendary Member
I have never felt more rejected than I do today, the saga of my ceiling.
As most of you will know I had a water leak from the lady above, well the said job was repaired, but the area is now a different colour and the wallpaper has been torn, I emailed Aster my Housing Association when will the job be finished. I got a reply this morning :-
I can see the repair under reference HA090274 has now been marked down as completed.
With regards to decoration and painting this isn't something Aster would attend to. We do not attend to cosmetic issues.

In contrast the lady had a fully fitted shower unit fully tiled and freshly painted, I wonder now if this is sexist.....he's a man he can do it himself !!!
I have put in a complaint to Head Office, but I think I have wasted my time, I have been with them for a long time as this is the way they have treated me..........:cry:

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