The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I like the sound of this. Picture?



Legendary Member
Been dragged to B&Q by Mrs D. There was a burglary further along the street last night. I think I may have seen the culprits. Just coming back in at 2148 (I take n.mental note of these details) i saw three lads walking down the street and my Sheetbag-O-meter went off the scale. I gave them my best 6'4" 260lb skinhead "don't even think it" stare and they scurried on by. A neighbour disturbed them at it and they scarpered, but from the description it was the 3 I saw.

So Mrs D has bought a CCTV system and muggins here gets to fit it. I always thought my "trespassers will be shot" sign would do the trick myself.
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Legendary Member
Good question and I'm not really in a position to put forward a technical case. My view would be they all perform the same basic function and imagine it would be illegal to sell anything which didn't meet a minimum safety standard.

Where I think one gets more bang for bucks is in weight, ventilation, internal fitting and external adjustment (I always get one which has the dial on the back to slacken/tighten while riding), style, comfortable straps, colour range and improved impact resistance.

How important people see these things is personal opinion. Last helmet I bought I took the advice of my trusted LBS and paid £100. One week later I crashed at 25 mph and it split in four places. I think my skull would have suffered without it and that £100 was a great investment. My LBS now stocks Limar.

I am going to get the Air Speed which you can probably see is £180. The club discount gets me down to £125 - over three years that's +/- £40. I've chosen this on the basis of comfort, fit, ventilation and looks. I'm a touch anal about feeling I look good on my bike. I wouldn't buy online without trying for fit first.

I ride 150-200 miles a week so all these other considerations are important.
Yes, if you are doing say 175 miles per week, say 26,000 over 3 years I think that's less than 1p per mile to get what you want.
I was looking at the latest model Giro and that is £75. Even at that price its still got those naff velcro pads inside.


Legendary Member
Do it yourself kit for the flu jab?
You beat me to it ^_^

Deleted member 1258

I got back just after 2 with 61 miles on. It was a hard but good morning on the bike, another bright and breezy morning, but at least it stayed dry. Out of Coventry through Baginton, on to Long Itchington, crossed the main road and onto Broadwell, I had to stop on the lane whilst the farmer herded his cows across the road, then across Grandborough fields and then the right turn and up the hill through Flecknoe onto the main road to the cafe. Riding away from the cafe I turned right through Staverton and took the left on the roundabout to ride round the outskirts of Daventry before cutting through the industrial estate and onto the A45 for a quick blast to Willoughby where I turned back onto the lanes to Sawbridge, then picked up my route out, when I got to the Leamington road I turned right through Ryton and Wolston, then turned into Coventry through Brandon and Binley Woods and across the city home.
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