The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
It's an old Singer 201K. Made in 1936m. Its electric.

I have another singer. It's a 128k hand crank machine.

Buy a nice new one :laugh:


In my LBS earlier, hoping to get replacement foam pads for my helmet. The guy said pretty much what I expected him to "you know you should replace helmets every 3 years". He said the ozone breaks the poly down.
So these experts tell us dont dump poly, it takes nillions of years to break down but your helmet will only last 3 years:rolleyes:
I think from @PaulB comments he changes his that often. And as I said, per mileage he does its good value.
Mine is 2013
Whats yours?, I think, circa 1983 ^_^.
I do think those reports maybe ever so slighlty biased.

Yes I change every 3-4 years. My current helmet is 4 years old and I've just shelled out £125 for a new one which is a significant discount from £180 RRP. I wouldn't pay more than £125.

Several reasons why I chose the model but only two why I'm happy to change. First I've crashed at 25mph and cracked a quality helmet in four places. Second I ride at least 150 miles/week and want to be protected. If my LBS, who I trust implicitly, recommend change at three years that's good enough for me

I don't enter the helmet debate but I'd prefer not to wear one. I just feel I need to. When I tour in France I don't wear one till I get close to a town.


Leg End Member
Night Johnboy!
Night MaryElle


Started young, and still going.
Morning all, dark and raining here. The cats looked out of the door when MrsP let them out and they weren't impressed.
Looks like a domestics day, although it is due to stop raining around lunchtime. A soggy walk with the dog soon and then scrambled egg on lightly toasted bagels for breakfast.


Good day, one and all. 'Tis grey, dank, drizzly with short bursts of heavy rain.

Today sees the launch of our new local U3A group - West Pennine Villages. I'm on car park duties - seemed a good idea at the time. I'll also be running one of the interest groups - cards and board games every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.

Temporary website at:
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