The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
Hope they still fit when summer arrives in 5 years time! :rain::laugh:
Well, my wedding suit still fitted after 40 years - so I'm not expecting a problem.;)

Deleted member 1258

I've just got back, a little 51 mile bimble for me, had a problem with a slow puncture in the back and found out my pumps packed up again :angry:, many thanks to the two lad who stopped to help and got enough air in the tyre to get me home. :highfive: On a lighter note, I turned off the Banbury road to ride into Long Ichington past the duck pond and had to stop for a Goose and her Goslings who were crossing the road.:smile: Not a bad morning out but I must get a new pump.
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If 6 Was 9
I bought a hot Chilli plant from ALDI this morning. It's got over 40 flowers coming on it and only cost £2.99.

We bought one last year and it was very productive. :heat:


Legendary Member
I've just got back, a little 51 mile bimble for me, had a problem with a slow puncture in the back and found out my pumps packed up again :angry:, many thanks to the two lad who stopped to help and got enough air in the tyre to get me home. :highfive: On a lighter note, I turned off the Banbury road to ride into Long Ichington past the duck pond and had to stop for a Goose and her Goslings who were crossing the road.:smile: Not a bad morning out but I must get a new pump.
I did a 51 yesterday
But I did the route backwards
So it was actually 15

Deleted member 1258

Well, my wedding suit still fitted after 40 years - so I'm not expecting a problem.;)

I've still got my wedding suit, the trousers still fit, but the jacket doesn't, I've got a lot broader in the shoulders since my wedding and can't get the jacket over them.

More than I can say for my birthday suit, which is looking distinctly baggy in some areas!:blush:

I'm having the same problem with mine as well, its a shame we only get one. ^_^
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