The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Morning all, no swim today as the dreaded vertigo is still enjoying being part of me.
That's one sport/hobby that I don't enjoy. I can barely swim and am a bit scared of water to be honest.

We are in for a day of rain but the rest of the week is looking decent.


Legendary Member
I know what you mean.........after a hard run or cycle it must be bliss to do a few relaxing lengths of a pool in the warm water with no real strain on the body.

I normally do at least 80 lengths 4 times a week, it can be a strain on the shoulders, but way different from a hard run or ride, it is getting the brain in the right place is the problem as any negative thoughts seem to magnify when I swim.


Started young, and still going.
Morning all, back from Suffolk. It's a lovely county. One walk we did was along the coast our past Sizewell towards Mimsmere bird reserve. The walk took us past Sizewell B nuclear power station. The A plant closed some years back.


Hello! Woke at 3.00 to pouring rain and strong winds. Ride cancelled I thought. Back to sleep till 7.15 and we have a brightish, calm day and 16C. Ride on.

We've gone a bit retro with our rides. Yesterday was roads I hadn't been on in 2-3 years. Today is a cafe I haven't been to in possibly 4 years
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