The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Yep, I think you're right. It could even be the ones I let out every morning simply come home in the evening.

I think these are solitary bees so shall leave them to come and go. Idle buggers could learn to use the air vents in the morning. :laugh:

Have a stern word with them :laugh:


Legendary Member
I didnt reply last night (other things filled my mind:rolleyes:).
Not sure how long Ive been on the 'old farts' section but dont recall any of that. It sounds awful and I am glad to see things improving for you.
Do you have a history of back problems or was it out of the blue ?

This one was out of the blue as it is my lower back, I had another disc herniate about 20 years ago much higher up, not much fun that is for sure.


Legendary Member
This one was out of the blue as it is my lower back, I had another disc herniate about 20 years ago much higher up, not much fun that is for sure.
For sure.
I did my back 50+years ago while lifting something at work. It still "goes" on me every few months. Been in&out of hospital and spent a fortune on various private types. Strangely its got better in recent years.
Nice to know yours is improving


Midlands UK
I had my appraisal today, boss asked me if I was planning on retiring..erm...yes at some point :rolleyes:


Legendary Member
Literature "O" Level C
Language 2
Maths 2
5/1 1
5/2 2
5/3 1(99% in the written side)
5/4 4
5/5 2

And if it were Week Two, it'd be 5/3, 5/1, 5/4 & 5/2. All doubles
Hang about..... you have to bè over 25 to join the old farts section.
I left school with.........
Absolutely nothing. I was 15 and walked out with zilch (which accounts for my spelling).


Leg End Member
Hang about..... you have to bè over 25 to join the old farts section.
I left school with.........
Absolutely nothing. I was 15 and walked out with zilch (which accounts for my spelling).
Missed R.E. off/out, 3.

5/1 being Physics1
5/2 being History
5/3 being Woodwork2
5/4 being Metalwork
5/5 being Geometrical and Engineering Drawing.

1 Not allowed to do chemistry after the third year. Something to do with explosions in the classrooms.

2 Year Head contested the written result, but couldn't get it changed. How the correct answer was worded.

You've had chance since to expand on what you learnt.
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