The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Good morning folks, back at yoga after the Easter break this morning, hope the teacher is going to go easy on us. then its chores and tidying the garden. No answers from my Good Ladies hospital apointment, just more tests, and no luck down the club last night, didn't win a thing.

Sounds like the winning run has come to an end? :cry:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Ahh, the picture of innocence.

:angel: :rolleyes:


You probably have a pair of ventilation bricks on the outside wall, if the bee's are under the floor these are probably where the bee's are coming and going, the ones getting in the house are likely to be using small gaps between the wall, floor and skirting boards. You'll need to get part of the floor up to evict them. Like you I like bee's, they do an important job.

Yep, I think you're right. It could even be the ones I let out every morning simply come home in the evening.

I think these are solitary bees so shall leave them to come and go. Idle buggers could learn to use the air vents in the morning. :laugh:
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