The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Good day everyone. Glorious weather at the moment and I think will last the day.

A lot of pottering type jobs today. Including letting the bees out of the front room. This is now a morning ritual and I'm wondering if we have a nest. I love bees, hugely important insect but not living permanently in the house!!

Give them a rent book(Recently proved by researchers that they can do maths), so no excuse for not paying.


Legendary Member
Morning ride done.
Shower followed by lunch next.
Doggie walking this afternoon.:smile:
I sometimes miss having a dog, but not quite enough to get another at the moment. Maybe a few years down the line when I am too decrepit to cycle much. Lol

Deleted member 1258

Yes we do have a cavity floor. Problem is we have a wood floor with interlocking planks.The only way in is with a saw!!

TBH I'm more concerned about the bees than anything. I like bees! Strange though it may sound.

You probably have a pair of ventilation bricks on the outside wall, if the bee's are under the floor these are probably where the bee's are coming and going, the ones getting in the house are likely to be using small gaps between the wall, floor and skirting boards. You'll need to get part of the floor up to evict them. Like you I like bee's, they do an important job.
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