The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I recieved your invitation, but to be honest, seeing grown men hitting little balls around is a bit boring for me. Besides, you said you only had £9.50 to spend. That would only have got us fish and chips each (if we were lucky) so i had to dismiss your generous offer.
And who said we are "grown men" ???


Legendary Member
Morning all.
Grey sky and light rain here. Shame really as I am playing golf at a dead dead dead posh place . Its Portals championship course out towards Chester AND its a freebie.
I was going to invite @classic33 but the course rules state "no person known to be a disruptive influence or who is likely to cause explosions on the course".
I did invite @welsh dragon but she hasn't responded (I wonder why?).
I was at this place a few years ago and I recall the beer was a crazy over £6.00 a pint. Playing with peopke I know so it should be a good day.
Enjoy your day peeps.

@welsh dragon may have attended if it was a dry day and the sand in the bunkers was dry ;)


Legendary Member
Good morning folks. Grey, misty and there is horrible dampness everywhere. Maybe it is the presense of Dragos ghost hanging around. :hello:

Back to your normal damp state for your part of the country. That is the downside of living where you do. I bet the odd nice day nust be a bit of a shock
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