The Retirement Thread

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Leg End Member
Bog standard blended with a drop of lemenade in. Its a case of quantity over quality.
Its a nice relief when told its clear so a few drinks followed by an early night beckons ^_^
I'd stick to lemonade with a drop of whisky, from here on.

Good news though.


Legendary Member
As you may have all forgot I got rushed into hospital in Turkey 10 months ago, herniated disc. Anyways, my leg muscles just vanished in a week, it took all my concentration to straighten my left leg let alone put any weight on it. Yet this afternoon I had what I consider my best ride since, 15 miles in under 60 minutes, a long way down on 10 months ago but it certainly felt good. I still have a lot of pain in the muscles of my lower back, I still have severe pins and needles in my left leg and my left knee feels like I am kneeling on a broken saucer when I kneel down. So, I am sitting here feeling happy that cycling maybe in my future still.

That and the pain management people phoned on Thursday, they were supposed to call before February 22nd, I am seeing them Wednesday, so that should be interesting.

Not sure why I wrote that lot.

Well done and hopefully there will be further improvements over time :bravo:

Deleted member 1258

As you may have all forgot I got rushed into hospital in Turkey 10 months ago, herniated disc. Anyways, my leg muscles just vanished in a week, it took all my concentration to straighten my left leg let alone put any weight on it. Yet this afternoon I had what I consider my best ride since, 15 miles in under 60 minutes, a long way down on 10 months ago but it certainly felt good. I still have a lot of pain in the muscles of my lower back, I still have severe pins and needles in my left leg and my left knee feels like I am kneeling on a broken saucer when I kneel down. So, I am sitting here feeling happy that cycling maybe in my future still.

That and the pain management people phoned on Thursday, they were supposed to call before February 22nd, I am seeing them Wednesday, so that should be interesting.

Not sure why I wrote that lot.

Well done!


Legendary Member
As you may have all forgot I got rushed into hospital in Turkey 10 months ago, herniated disc. Anyways, my leg muscles just vanished in a week, it took all my concentration to straighten my left leg let alone put any weight on it. Yet this afternoon I had what I consider my best ride since, 15 miles in under 60 minutes, a long way down on 10 months ago but it certainly felt good. I still have a lot of pain in the muscles of my lower back, I still have severe pins and needles in my left leg and my left knee feels like I am kneeling on a broken saucer when I kneel down. So, I am sitting here feeling happy that cycling maybe in my future still.

That and the pain management people phoned on Thursday, they were supposed to call before February 22nd, I am seeing them Wednesday, so that should be interesting.

Not sure why I wrote that lot.
I didnt reply last night (other things filled my mind:rolleyes:).
Not sure how long Ive been on the 'old farts' section but dont recall any of that. It sounds awful and I am glad to see things improving for you.
Do you have a history of back problems or was it out of the blue ?

Deleted member 1258

Good morning folks, back at yoga after the Easter break this morning, hope the teacher is going to go easy on us. then its chores and tidying the garden. No answers from my Good Ladies hospital apointment, just more tests, and no luck down the club last night, didn't win a thing.


Good day everyone. Glorious weather at the moment and I think will last the day.

A lot of pottering type jobs today. Including letting the bees out of the front room. This is now a morning ritual and I'm wondering if we have a nest. I love bees, hugely important insect but not living permanently in the house!!

Deleted member 1258

Good day everyone. Glorious weather at the moment and I think will last the day.

A lot of pottering type jobs today. Including letting the bees out of the front room. This is now a morning ritual and I'm wondering if we have a nest. I love bees, hugely important insect but not living permanently in the house!!

Do you have a cavity under the floor? perhaps in there.
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