The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Only for the next couple of days. Apparently, we will be having a 'Spanish plume' that will bring hot weather through to the end of July - starting this weekend.:okay:

Or not :laugh:


Legendary Member
Morning folks and folkesses.
An interesting day for me. At 13.40 I will be in hospital while a specialist shoves a camera up** my John Thomas and into my bladder, then waggles it around (the camera, not my John Thomas) to check that the big C has not decided on a return visit.
**as I will be on a bed maybe, technically, he will be shoving it down ???).
I have this every 6 months and although I have shown clear for 4 years its still squeaky bum time.
But....... what a nice day ^_^. I will just have time to do a few bits in the garden then, assuming the camera is clear, a pub meal and a couple of drinks.

I hope it all went well and you enjoyed a few afterwards!


Legendary Member
Only for the next couple of days. Apparently, we will be having a 'Spanish plume' that will bring hot weather through to the end of July - starting this weekend.:okay:

Fingers crossed at least we have some decent settled weather :sun:


Legendary Member
As you may have all forgot I got rushed into hospital in Turkey 10 months ago, herniated disc. Anyways, my leg muscles just vanished in a week, it took all my concentration to straighten my left leg let alone put any weight on it. Yet this afternoon I had what I consider my best ride since, 15 miles in under 60 minutes, a long way down on 10 months ago but it certainly felt good. I still have a lot of pain in the muscles of my lower back, I still have severe pins and needles in my left leg and my left knee feels like I am kneeling on a broken saucer when I kneel down. So, I am sitting here feeling happy that cycling maybe in my future still.

That and the pain management people phoned on Thursday, they were supposed to call before February 22nd, I am seeing them Wednesday, so that should be interesting.

Not sure why I wrote that lot.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
As you may have all forgot I got rushed into hospital in Turkey 10 months ago, herniated disc. Anyways, my leg muscles just vanished in a week, it took all my concentration to straighten my left leg let alone put any weight on it. Yet this afternoon I had what I consider my best ride since, 15 miles in under 60 minutes, a long way down on 10 months ago but it certainly felt good. I still have a lot of pain in the muscles of my lower back, I still have severe pins and needles in my left leg and my left knee feels like I am kneeling on a broken saucer when I kneel down. So, I am sitting here feeling happy that cycling maybe in my future still.

That and the pain management people phoned on Thursday, they were supposed to call before February 22nd, I am seeing them Wednesday, so that should be interesting.

Not sure why I wrote that lot.

Well done. :notworthy:


Leg End Member
I will be last tonight or first for tomorrow.
Camera jobbie up the Johnson went as well as it could......very little pain. It showed everything clear so, as its gone 4 years since the op' the specialist has moved me from 6 monthly to 12 monthly.
I am now sat with a celebratory whisky^_^
What's the Whisky(Note spelling) drinking?
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