The Retirement Thread

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If I didn't have Bruce with me I'd have taken some photos. There were only two of them and I'd have made light workmkf them if they'd have wanted to turn nasty, but I don't want Bruce getting hurt during any confrontation so feigned disinterest while mentally noting everything.

Selfish, lazy scumbags. They're only 2 miles from a council tip, could have quiet easily just driven it there.

Some tips round here no longer allow vans
although there are permits you can get for some of them - bets they cost though

Luckily the nearest one just allows anyone in - different councils I suppose - but it does make people thing they can just dump stuff rather than pay for a permit

Near the one in Warrington that I ride past - the canal path start just by it and there is often stuff dumped just down the path

I presume it is from people who turn up after the tip closes and couldn;t be a**** waiting until tomorrow or planning the trip in the first place

On a funnier note

Went to Tesco just before
got there and there was a small queue to the the hand help scanners
just 1 person and me waiting while 2 other people got their scanner - which takes a few seconds

The person at the scanner on the left finished and the bloke in front of me started moving to get his

but a woman just shot past me and him and cut in front of him
just barged in front of both of us!!!

anyway - the one of the right became free so he went there
got his scanner and moved off
so I went there and started getting mine

meanwhile the woman who had barged in front was having problems
she tried once but the scanner wouldn;t come out of its holder - which happens sometime
she tried again and the same thing happened

then I had got mine and was just starting to move off so the woman gave up on the left place and came over to where I had just finished
she looked in my direction and I caught her eye
she was clearly furious and embarrasses

which was hilarious!!
I can see problems here. They have introduced a new system where you have to book a time, day and date slot. I can see a hell of a lot of fly tipping taking place as a result.

I can see the problems with that

when I was clearing out my old house the nearest one did that

but I was basically just clearing stuff out until the car was full - then needing to dump it
it didn;t allign with a timetable as I had no idea when I would end up with a full car rather then boxes of stuff I need to keep

so I ended up going to another one further away which didn;t have a booking system

it does show a lack of knowledge of how normal people work

If I remember properly they also kept a record and only allowed a couple of visits a week
which I can understand as some businesses will just use and old car rather than pay
but it does make normal people with a big job look for alternatives
which - to some people - is chuck it all over the road down a country lane

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I can see the problems with that

when I was clearing out my old house the nearest one did that

but I was basically just clearing stuff out until the car was full - then needing to dump it
it didn;t allign with a timetable as I had no idea when I would end up with a full car rather then boxes of stuff I need to keep

so I ended up going to another one further away which didn;t have a booking system

it does show a lack of knowledge of how normal people work

If I remember properly they also kept a record and only allowed a couple of visits a week
which I can understand as some businesses will just use and old car rather than pay
but it does make normal people with a big job look for alternatives
which - to some people - is chuck it all over the road down a country lane

They have already tried it In Wales and failed miserably. The council won't re consider though. I doubt it will last long


They have already tried it In Wales and failed miserably. The council won't re consider though. I doubt it will last long

Our local tip is pretty good. You have to take and show your Council tax document. You then drive up an incline to the various diagonal reversing bays which share a common path where you drop your rubbish into the appropriate bay ( Small appliances / Garden cuttings / plastics / paints etc etc), All clearly labelled with several staff on hand to direct you to the correct bay and often give you a hand. There's a couple of employees buzzing around tidying / sweeping up and sorting out spillages. If you arrive on bike or foot you aren't allowed in the main bit, but there's someone there to show you where to leave it. ( I emailed the coucil about the lack of access for people without cars and they sorted something out )


Our local tip is pretty good. You have to take and show your Council tax document. You then drive up an incline to the various diagonal reversing bays which share a common path where you drop your rubbish into the appropriate bay ( Small appliances / Garden cuttings / plastics / paints etc etc), All clearly labelled with several staff on hand to direct you to the correct bay and often give you a hand. There's a couple of employees buzzing around tidying / sweeping up and sorting out spillages. If you arrive on bike or foot you aren't allowed in the main bit, but there's someone there to show you where to leave it. ( I emailed the coucil about the lack of access for people without cars and they sorted something out )

Our local tip is organised along similar lines. A few rules apply such as only five bags of hard-core without a licence.

The guys are very helpful.


Morrison's!!! 😳 I popped in for a bit of shopping a few days ago........OK, I popped in for a bottle of Aviation gin and then did a bit of shopping as I was there.

Wonky peas!!!!! Morrison's sell wonky peas. WTF is that about. I imagine a factory production line with little shutes. The peas that roll perfectly go in one bag, the ones that bounce around and fail the perfection test go in another bag.

Wonky peas? And people wonder why food is expensive. Just chuck them all in a bag and reduce all the associated costs. It's not rocket science.


Started young, and still going.
Good afternoon everyone.
It's quite a sunny day here with some light cloud, but very high. There is a northerly breeze which is keeping the temperature down to about 13⁰c.
We got a good view of the partial eclipse this morning which is always interesting.
My new knee 🦵and surrounding muscles are starting to improve on a daily basis now, the hard work is paying off. 😁 the staples come out next Friday.
Another fine day in paradise. 😁
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