The men's dress style thread..

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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
OK what on Earth did I just stumble across? Sort of reverse suspenders... for your shirt? Are there men walking around wearing these things?



Über Member
OK what on Earth did I just stumble across? Sort of reverse suspenders... for your shirt? Are there men walking around wearing these things?

View attachment 710157

Gay bondage wear perhaps? I dunno?
Personally I just tuck my shirt tails, 8nt9 my skivvies, but then I don't ordinarily wear a collared shirt these days, last time I wore a collar was uniform shirt, ( no tie,safety reasons ,cos a machine minder) for the post job, I've been retired 6 years.
I really don't know why i replied ,I'm, happy to slum around in my boiler suit, and fake Crocs'.
I do put a clean one on in public.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I'm just watching this. I watch such films quite often to get coat, jacket, trousers and hat ideas. 🤔

By the way, the woman who lived across the street/road from us, as in mum, dad, brother and me in the 1960's, 70's and early 80's was a niece of Basil Rathbone. She once showed us letters addressed to her from the actor.
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Legendary Member
Why not just buy a slightly longer shirt? :okay:

That was my immediate thought too. But that said you do have to buy considerably more expensive shirts to get them made a proper length rather than the 10% dearer which would be legitimate


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
That was my immediate thought too. But that said you do have to buy considerably more expensive shirts to get them made a proper length rather than the 10% dearer which would be legitimate

A John Henric dress shirt is £90 so while they're not super expensive, they're not cheap either.


North Shields
Seen Crocs mentioned a few times on here, Balenciaga have raised them to hideous new levels:™-boot--black-677384W1S8E1000.html


That was my immediate thought too. But that said you do have to buy considerably more expensive shirts to get them made a proper length rather than the 10% dearer which would be legitimate
Interestingly, super cheap poly-cotton army issue No. 2 dress shirts have excellent long tails and never move when tucked in.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Bringing this subject back to life in case anyone's interested. I went to see the bootmaker yesterday in his workshop.

He drew round my feet and took some measurements so he could compare them with the lasts he's got. I also tried on a few pairs he's got in the shop to see what he thought would fit. He didn't have the exact boots I wanted in the right size but he had some different styles made on the same last and also a pair made on a women's last so we got an idea of what might work.

Here's what he had out in the shop. I'm going for a pair like the top right or bottom right. If you look carefully the top pair have a flat sole and the bottom pair have a heel, I'll be getting the heeled sole which he also said is more hard wearing. Compare them to my wife's purple boots and you'll see he's altered the design a bit. He can also tweak them to my preference should I want.

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None of the boot fit me quite right, mainly because I've got shallow feet and skinny ankles, I always have to pull my boots fully closed and even then my heel often lifts off.

Basically what he thinks will work is using a size 7 last but giving it the length of a size 8. He can then remove some material from the back of the boot and move the eyelets further in so I won't have to pull them all the way closed. Also my left foot is a touch longer than my right so he can take that into account

I'm not in any rush so what he's going to do is before summer make a couple of display pairs of the boots in a standard size 7 and size 8 so I can go and try them on properly and he can decide exactly what adjustments need to be made.

In the meantime here's a rather blurry photo of the leather options he's got in stock. Top right are vegan leather but he's phasing that out as he considers the leather he uses to be a byproduct so prefers it to virgin vegan leather. Middle right is nubuck and bottom left is hand tanned and rather stiff so mainly suitable for belts. So I've got a couple of months to think about colour schemes and what will work and exactly how wacky I want to be. Of course the colours will age and for an idea of how much, that bottom pair started off as navy but have been left out in the sun and faded to a cool looking metallic sort of grey purple. Blues are more prone to this sort of fading apparently.

At the moment I'm thinking of some sort of combination of red and grey/black but I might well change my mind. I want them to look personal but not too much like clown shoes...

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After much faffing about it turns out that our emails were going into each others spam folders. We've finally got properly back in contact and he's sent me some leather samples. I've decided what I want but now he's got covid so he's out of the workshop for the foreseeable. So stay tuned for the next chapter in the exciting saga that is the tale of my new boots.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Sneak preview of the leathers I've chosen. Not sure if they've photographed too well, that's actually a very dark navy blue. So fairly solid colours, nothing too outrageous. I did toy with the idea of putting some pink highlights on the pull tab or something but decided to keep it simple.


Quite fancy a pair of Derbys in this 'swimming pool' blue but that'll have to wait for now.

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