I had a cargo shorts and flip flops wearing pleb have a go at me yesterday, regarding my above the ankle length summer, linen trousers.
It He

said words to the affect of "Has your cat died"? I didn't reply so he then said "Your pants are too short, were they your older brother's"? Bear in mind I didn't know this pleb at all. I took the bait and replied "Oh I thought a fashion aficionado such as yourself would've known that summer trousers can be shorter than colder months ones, to let air circulate round one's ankles". "Have you been to a beach by the way, as flip flops are beach wear, not really town centre shopping wear". I left it at that and didn't start on the pleb's cargo shorts. How rude of him eh!! Still, I must've attracted the pleb's attention which after all is the aim of being a dandy!!