I tell you what I have Accy. Men wearing suits with no shirt and the top button undone. Even bloody politicians are doing it now! I will never vote for anyone who's standards are so low they wear a suit without a tie. I believe Jeremy Kyle started that style abomination.
I totally agree Drago! It's far too often we see men wearing suits or sports jackets and pants with an open neck shirt! Sometimes they even have not just the top button undone, but also the second button undone. That's bad when they're young and in good shape, but terrible when they're old and have a wrinkly neck, or are overweight and are showing big fat necks!

I'm the opposite of having a fat neck. My neck is quite thin, due to my head and neck cancer surgery nearly 16 years ago. Do I then open my top two buttons and show my thin neck and surgical scars off? No, instead I either wear a tie or a cravat. I usually wear a cravat when the shirt collar is too big for my 'scrawny' neck. If I were to wear a tie with a too big a collar I'd have what I call the ventriloquist dummy effect, in reference to when you see a dummy with a wide collar so 'his' neck/head can turn easily during the act.
A cravat fills that gap and takes away the look of a sloppy too wide open collar, though cravats worn with suits is a but debatable, unless the suit is a less formal tweed one. I'll tell you what else I find bad in tie/neck wear. Those who wear a matching tie and pocket square! The idea of a pocket square is for you to show your 'individuality'. It's supposed to not really match other items you're wearing too much. Yes, it can be the same colour/shade as the tie, but it's not supposed to be the exact same. If it is, it'll look dare i say 'cheap'. Dr David Bull presents shows on Talk TV quite often. I cringe when guests compliment him on his colourful ties and squares. Some even call the pocket square he's wearing a 'hankie'.
A matching tie and pocket square are just sooo 'tut! tut!!
