Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Don't have the time for charity shop rummaging, and in any case I'd rather buy new and wear it til it dies. Outdoors and casual stuff is not a problem but it is something more formal I'm after. See even that Neem stuff, besides not really being my style, is more casual, comfort and overshirts rather than something you'd wear for the office. Good on you rates Levi's as 'it's a start'. There are certainly better more ethical jeans out there.Charity shops? Bit time intensive hunting for stuff, but there are gems out there!
Patagonia? Maybe a bit out-doorsy.
Levi's are pretty good ethically.
Neem do smart looking stuff but are pricey.
Darcy Clothing in Lewes might fit the bill. Their farmers' shirts are good quality and, although placket front will work with a tie. Not slim fit.
Community Clothing? From memory only a few colours.
Darcy are replicas and costume aren't they? I've looked at Community Clothing but doesn't really do it for me. I just looked and it's all rugby shirts anyway.
FWIW I don't need to wear a shirt and tie at work, my employer is perfectly happy with smart casual. If I had to wear a tie I would resent it, I'm certainly not of the pale shirt striped tie persuasion.